Curses! Meat-Eating Tweens See Red

tedkerwin / CC by 2.0 This one’s scarier than that shower scene from Carrie: It’s been shown before, but there’s more news that researchers in the U.K. have found a link between high meat consumption and early periods in girls. Using data from a group of children who were studied from birth, researchers determined that … Read more »

‘Bizarro’: There’s an App–and Award–for That

Knowing that we adore animal-friendly cartoons and that we’re often quick to embrace the bizarre, you can be sure that we’re dancing in the hallways here at PETA HQ over news that artist Dan Piraro, the compassionate genius behind “Bizarro,” won the highly coveted Cartoonist of the Year award at the Reuben Awards this weekend. … Read more »

Obama’s Turkey Pardon: Malia and Sasha to the Rescue!

wikimedia / CC When President Obama received this year’s lucky turkey to be pardoned, he had some brow-raising reservations: “I’m told Presidents Eisenhower and Johnson actually ate their turkeys. You can’t fault them for that; that’s a good-looking bird,” he said. Malia and Sasha’s response? No. He. Couldn’t. “Thanks to the interventions of Malia and … Read more »

Shelter Thanks Lucky Stars for 13-Year-Olds

Amanda Huhman and Libby Burks are a dog-loving duo who rallied their community and helped the Central Missouri Humane Society win first place in Zootoo’s national shelter-makeover contest. The girls collared folks in parking lots to ask them to go online to support the shelter, papered the city with posters and fliers, did radio appearances, … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Mommy Kills Animals, Take 2

OK, so a few days ago, I posted this little entry about a video for a song called Mommy Kills Animals. I thought that was going to be the end of it, until I started hearing from my colleagues about a certain “lack of enthusiasm” they had detected in that particular post. Apparently, the music … Read more »

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