Animal Companions
Update: ‘Sea Kitten High’ Superintendent Speaks Out

Yesterday we wrote to Whitefish High School and suggested that it change its name to Sea Kitten High in order to let people know that sea kittens are just as deserving of love as their land-dwelling counterparts. We were so excited to hear back from Jerry House, the Whitefish schools Superintendent. Superintendent House announced that … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Educates Bill Cosby About KFC

knoxnews / CC OK. So I really love The Cosby Show. The deadpan humor, family melodrama, and Bill Cosby’s tacky sweaters—how could you not? So when I found out that Bill Cosby will be performing at KFC’s upcoming annual Convention Gala, I was heartbroken. PETA reached out to Bill and let him know that more … Read more »

Animal Companions
Sea Kitten High School

It’s no secret that sea kittens stay in their schools far longer than humans do. That’s why it struck us as odd that Whitefish High School in Montana has failed to stay up to date with the Sea Kitten Revolution. So we wrote to them, tongue-in-cheek (which is better than hook-through-lip), to ask them to … Read more »

Animal Companions
Little Kids Cut a Big Check for Dogs!

My favorite part about the holidays (actually … maybe my second favorite—next to feasting on my mom’s famous Cashew Nut Roast) is how people come together to help those in need. While we’re all toasty indoors, dreaming and hoping for a “White Winter,” countless “backyard dogs” will not do so well in the ice and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Freedom From Oppression for ALL at New High School!

phayul / CC You may have heard about the possible new “gay friendly” high school in Chicago. Harassment and violence are causing gay students to drop out at alarming rates—and the School for Social Justice Pride Campus would be a place for all students to be able to complete their education in a protected and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Disney Bids ‘Au Revoir’ to Foie Gras!

erck / CC Forget Miley Cyrus’ terrible ‘tween “Sweet 16” bash at Disneyland; there’s something much, much sweeter to celebrate at Disney World: No more foie gras! Just this month, Disney World dumped this disgusting Donald Duck–derived “delicacy of despair” (produced by force-feeding ducks until their livers become diseased and engorged) from its menus. Disney … Read more »

Animal Companions
Big Brown Is Retired From Horse Racing

turner / CC It’s official: Just weeks before he was to race in the Breeders’ Cup, Big Brown has officially been retired from horse racing because of a serious foot injury. The 3-year-old horse, who earlier this year won the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness and who outran Eight Belles before she collapsed and had … Read more »

Animal Companions
Shane Victorino’s Foul Favorite Food

Shane Victorinophilly / CC Okay, hold the phone—during a recent Philadelphia Phillies/Los Angeles Dodgers playoff game, commentator Joe Buck mentioned that Phillies player Shane Victorino’s favorite food is Spam musubi. A few reactions here—one: gross; I can think of a hundred different fillings I’d like for my onigiri, and canned meat ain’t one of them. … Read more »

Animal Companions
Call Her CutOut

She may have a funny name, but she’s no classroom cut-up. Just in time for Cut Out Dissection Month (October), PETA intern Jennifer Thornburg has officially changed her name to CutOut Latin for “compassionate frog lover” (I might have made that up), CutOut is on a mission to cut dissection out of school … Read more »

Animal Companions
In ‘Donkey Basketball’ News …

After covering the zoo-prison connection just recently, the folks at The Onion have put together a spoof news story highlighting how absolutely ridiculous (and—dare I say—lowbrow) “donkey basketball” is.2-Year-Old Donkey Called Up To Pro Donkey Basketball League It’s worth noting the newscasters’ description of Nubbins, who drops in weight and perceived value as he stops … Read more »

Animal Companions
Abuse, Suffering, and Death in Pierce College Classrooms

OK, here’s the thing: You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to understand the handful of regulations that govern the treatment of animals in laboratories. What’s required of folks who use animals in laboratories is so embarrassingly obvious—animals who are sick or injured need veterinary care, animals who are too ill to be treated … Read more »

Animal Companions
Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Animal Companions
Teacher Disciplined for Talking About Meat Industry

Dave Warwak, an art teacher at Fox River Grove Middle School in Illinois (and, if I’m not mistaken, a regular commenter on this here blog), has been dismissed from his classroom by the school after teaching his students about factory farming and the other forms of animal abuse that made him go vegan. Apparently, the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Mommy Kills Animals, Take 2

OK, so a few days ago, I posted this little entry about a video for a song called Mommy Kills Animals. I thought that was going to be the end of it, until I started hearing from my colleagues about a certain “lack of enthusiasm” they had detected in that particular post. Apparently, the music … Read more »

Animal Companions
Teacher Abuses a Rabbit for His Students

It’s time for your WTF of the day, this one courtesy of Trinity Christian Academy in Jacksonville. Evidently, a biology teacher at the school invited students to attend an after-school session in which he fed a live rabbit to a student’s pet python. The teacher dangled the helpless animal in front of the snake and … Read more »

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