Victory! Kids Help Save Foxes

You think “coon on a log” is bad? Allow me to introduce you to the delightful sport of “fox penning,” in which dogs are set loose on a fox or coyote confined to a pen and allowed to tear the animal to shreds. The good news is that this despicable pastime is now banned in … Read more »

10% Wool, by Jeff Corriveau: Tag and Release Winner

And, this week’s 10% Wool “Tag and Release” winner is … Beth Ann! Congratulations.   So I see that Ringling Bros. is trying to expand its “Greatest Show on Earth” slogan …   Don’t forget to check out the archive of past 10% Wool comic strips here. Get more information on the series and the … Read more »

A Splendid American Is Gone

We send our condolences today to Joyce Brabner, the widow of underground comic book genius Harvey Pekar, who recently died. We remember the days when Joyce visited our office in sparkly Wizard of Oz Dorothy slippers and colored ankle socks. She is a socially astute fighter for animal rights who created the classic Animal Rights … Read more »

iPad Makes Frogs ‘Appy’

We’ve never understood why any child needs to poke around inside an amphibian, but holy “Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County“: iTunes now offers a virtual frog dissection iPad app! In honor of this sophisticated and humane alternative to dissection, PETA is presenting its creator, Emantras Interactive Technologies, with a Mark Twain Ethical Science Award.   … Read more »

I’d Rather Be Blonde Than Wear Fur!

The flaxen-haired superheroes of Michael Troy’s high-larious new comic book, Blonde Squad, may not be the brightest bulbs on the tree, but their hearts are definitely in the right place. For instance, the team’s sorta-psychic, Psight, is less offended by a telepathic death threat from the scheming brunette, Dark Swan, than she is by the … Read more »

Curses! Meat-Eating Tweens See Red

tedkerwin / CC by 2.0 This one’s scarier than that shower scene from Carrie: It’s been shown before, but there’s more news that researchers in the U.K. have found a link between high meat consumption and early periods in girls. Using data from a group of children who were studied from birth, researchers determined that … Read more »

‘Bizarro’: There’s an App–and Award–for That

Knowing that we adore animal-friendly cartoons and that we’re often quick to embrace the bizarre, you can be sure that we’re dancing in the hallways here at PETA HQ over news that artist Dan Piraro, the compassionate genius behind “Bizarro,” won the highly coveted Cartoonist of the Year award at the Reuben Awards this weekend. … Read more »

Help Shut Down the Chinese Fur Trade

The following is a guest post from PETA Prime’s Steve Martindale. Cats, dogs, raccoon dogs, rabbits, and other animals are skinned alive in China for their fur. This fur is exported to consumers in the U.S. and abroad and often dyed to look like the fur of other animals. It’s sometimes even deliberately mislabeled as … Read more »

School Officials Enlightened About Pet Shop Cruelty

Eden II, a Staten Island school for autistic children, recently lost some electronics and rubber duckies to burglars, but it’s the theft of Star, the school’s hamster, that has students crying and losing sleep. In an effort to nix any notion about getting a “replacement” for Star, our TeachKind reps have reached out to Eden … Read more »

Helping Mexico Crack Down on Childhood Obesity

foodpoisonjournal / CC Thanks to all the bad habits immigrating from north of the border, the childhood obesity epidemic in Mexico is growing quickly, and school lunches loaded with fattening meat and dairy products are largely to blame. Luckily, we know just how to help Mexican schools tackle this hefty issue: Meat-Free Mondays. We sent … Read more »

McD’s, You’re About to Get Served

Sometimes all you need is a sign—and with our new McCruelty Sign Generator, you can create one for McDonald’s McCruelty. Design your own slogan and expose the painful slaughter behind the “billions and billions” of chickens served. Check out a few signs that the bloggers have already generated:   Karin’s flaming mad at McD’s.   … Read more »

Elementary School Launches ‘Change for Chained Dogs’

Every year, PETA’s offices are flooded with calls about dogs who are relegated to the backyard by guardians who refuse to let them inside. These dogs are left outside in freezing temperatures, often with nothing more than a plastic barrel or a wooden lean-to as shelter from the ice, sleet, and snow. For the last … Read more »

Obama’s Turkey Pardon: Malia and Sasha to the Rescue!

wikimedia / CC When President Obama received this year’s lucky turkey to be pardoned, he had some brow-raising reservations: “I’m told Presidents Eisenhower and Johnson actually ate their turkeys. You can’t fault them for that; that’s a good-looking bird,” he said. Malia and Sasha’s response? No. He. Couldn’t. “Thanks to the interventions of Malia and … Read more »

Victory! Teacher Commits to Keeping Animals Out of the Classroom

Classrooms are for students, not animals. This is the conclusion that Margaret Barthel, the head of the science department at Tampa, Florida’s Freedom High School, has finally come to after an appearance in court this week resulted in Barthel’s being punished for cruelty to the animals she kept in her classroom.   PETA was outside … Read more »

Florida School Serves All-Vegetarian Meals

When I was in high school, I took a peanut butter sandwich with me for lunch every day. Every. Single. Day. For four long years. My mother probably thought I was being stubborn just to annoy her, but the truth is that even before I stopped eating animals, I couldn’t stomach the cafeteria’s nauseating (and … Read more »

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