PETA Honors Sandy Hook Victim

“Tell all your friends I’m kind.” That’s what 6-year-old Catherine Hubbard used to say to insects, in the hope that they would all feel welcome and safe, according to her mother, Jenny. The thoughtful, introspective redhead was one of the 26 children and educators tragically gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, … Read more »

PETA Gives ‘Delhi Safari’ Two Thumbs Up

The new 3-D animated film Delhi Safari has all the elements of a kid-friendly romp: wise-cracking animals, madcap adventure, and sing-along–worthy musical scores performed by the likes of dancing parrots and turbaned flamingoes. But cleverly disguised beneath the hilarity and hijinks, the film’s message is one that’s never too early for kids to hear: Human beings … Read more »

PETA Celebrates the Launch of PETA Latino

In the giant melting pot that we call “home,” the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population is people of Latin-American descent. We’ve seen how strongly this demographic has influenced American culture—including politics, food, and entertainment—and now it’s time to unleash that power to benefit animals. There are more than 50 million Latinos in the United … Read more »

McCartney’s ‘Glass Walls’ Reaches Latinos

Students at Los Angeles’ predominantly Latino Roosevelt High School may soon be adding “animal rights advocate” to their lists of extracurricular activities. Vegan and award-winning TV host Marco Antonio Regil premiered his new Spanish-language version of Paul McCartney‘s haunting meat industry exposé for PETA, “Glass Walls,” to the school’s stunned students. Almost all of them … Read more »

The Chicken That Could Save Cleveland

PETA is dishing up a partial solution to the Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s budget shortfall: Don’t cut teachers’ jobs—cut animal products instead. We’ve offered to pay to place ads featuring our chick mascot, Nugget, on school lunch trays to encourage kids to go vegan: And if the school board takes us up on our offer, … Read more »

Bond Girl Stephanie Sigman Wants You to Save Lives!

Stephanie Sigman, the model-turned-actor partnered with PETA Latino in PETA’s “Angels for Animals” program to stand up for dogs and cats.

See the Winners! PETA Honors Kind Teachers

It was a tough decision, but PETA has chosen the winners of our TeachKind Teacher Appreciation Contest! These two educators best exemplify the TeachKind goals of creatively inspiring students to help animals and encouraging students to use that inspiration to positively impact their schools and communities. Here are the winners:                                            Grade K-5 Winner: Molly Lile … Read more »

Student Wins Award for Humane Science

At the Los Angeles County Science Fair, PETA presented its first Special Award for Humane Science—along with a $500 cash prize—to Palos Verdes Peninsula High School senior Shu Hee “Sophie” Kim for her mathematical model that accurately predicts the growth of breast cancer cells in patients after they receive radiotherapy treatments. Sophie’s project has also … Read more »

Bet You’re Not Kinder Than This Fifth-Grader!

When 10-year-old Nicky Schwarz learned that the principal of his California elementary school had agreed to eat fried worms if the students read for a half-million minutes, this kind kid sprang into action. Nicky circulated a petition calling for an alternative to the event and rallied his friends and classmates to speak up, too—and the … Read more »

PETA to Philly: Hug a Thug

PETA is helping to halt youth mobs in Philadelphia—with knowledge. Worried that the teen violence in the City of Brotherly Love could escalate to the level of England’s riots, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter responded to the reports of teens robbing and assaulting people by instituting an early curfew for anyone under 18. But PETA has … Read more »

Dead Cat the Loser in Cruel School Prank

PETA has long warned that having students dissect animals in the classroom has the unintended consequence of teaching kids disrespect for living beings, and a recent prank involving a dead cat appears to bolster our case. A senior at John Jay High School in San Antonio stole a dead cat from the school’s dissection laboratory … Read more »

School Teaches Kids to Mind Their Peas and Cukes

An elementary school in Denver, Colorado, is giving its students food for thought. To promote healthy eating habits among its students, SOAR has become Colorado’s first vegetarian school and earned itself a Compassionate School Award from PETA, for saving the lives of countless animals. “There is tons of research about plant-based foods preventing disease,” said SOAR’s … Read more »

Warmhearted Kids Help Cold Dogs

Here’s a story that could melt even a snowman’s heart. Fourth-grade students in teacher Chris Maxwell’s class at Mills Park Elementary School in Cary, North Carolina, have raised more than $300 to help dogs who are trapped at the end of a chain with no shelter from freezing temperatures, snow, and sleet. The kids are … Read more »

Why I Got Involved With TeachKind

The following is a guest post by animal welfare reporter and activist Deborah Kay Steinken. California’s educational code states, “Each teacher shall endeavor to impress upon the minds of the pupils … kindness toward domestic pets and the humane treatment of living creatures.” Eleven states with similar laws are Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, New … Read more »

Prime Inspirations: My Day at the Vans Warped Tour

The following is a cross post from the PETA Prime website. The following is a guest blog by Anna Ware, one of PETA’s stellar volunteer activists. In June, Ware pulled together a great protest against Carson & Barnes Circus that she not only organized and participated in but also paid for! When PETA’s youth arm, … Read more »

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