New PETA U.K. Animation Reveals Twisted ‘Tail’ of Pig Slaughter

The next time someone says, “But bacon …,” show them this cartoon.

10 Animal-Friendly Ways to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

Show animals why they’re lucky to have you on their side. Check out the top 10 animal-friendly ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

VIDEO: How PETA Found a Home for a Hound Exploited by a Blood Bank

The Veterinarians’ Blood Bank is under fire following a damning PETA undercover investigation. Discover Kolbie the dog’s rescue story.

Two Years of Saving Animals in Ukraine: Here’s a Glimpse at Rescuers’ Everyday Lives

After 17,520 hours of rockets, destruction, and suffering, PETA-supported teams continue to move mountains for animals in Ukraine. Learn what they’ve accomplished in two years.

‘Basic Rights for Animals!’ PETA Germany Marks 30th Anniversary With Demands to Parliament

Inspired by PETA Germany’s 30th anniversary, animal defenders went to Parliament with unfinished business. What were their demands?

‘Bleating’ the Odds: How PETA-Supported Rescuers Saved Baby Goats in Ukraine

The war had taken everything from these goats except their lives—and they were fading fast. Find out how PETA-supported rescuers came to their aid.

Animal Companions
Rescuers in Ukraine Scour Bomb-Riddled City to Save Desperate Animals

Residents in Avdiivka needed PETA-supported teams’ help to save animals from the aftermath of bombings. Meet a few of those they rescued.

6 Lonely Animals Spending Another Valentine’s Day Without Loved Ones

These lonely animals have to spend Valentine’s Day—and every other day—without loved ones. Help us get them the companionship they deserve!

Animal Defenders Crash the Pope’s Evening Prayer With This Message for Bulls

PETA U.K. members disrupted a prayer service that Pope Francis attended, pleading with His Holiness to help save bulls’ lives. Watch the video!

This May Be the Most Insect-Friendly TV Show for Children

PETA Kids is giving a popular TV show an award, and your children will be inspired by its message of kindness for some of the smallest animal

© Ludo Studio
Why Did a Group of Scientific Leaders Create a Tidal Wave Over One Test?

As the U.K. government reviews its policy on forced swim tests, over 400 scientists, academics, and medical and veterinary professionals from around the world are speaking out. Here’s what they want.

This Star Helped Animal Rahat Celebrate an Indian National Holiday in the Kindest Way

PETA India worked with Alicia Silverstone to foster compassion in the next generation during the country’s Republic Day celebrations. Check it out!

See This Mare Being Rescued From the Front Lines in Ukraine

In Ukraine, a pregnant mare’s desperate attempt to escape tripped a bomb, badly injuring her. See members of a PETA-supported team risk their own safety to rescue her.

VIDEO: Ingrid Newkirk Is Helping You Put a Special Spark in the Holiday Season

Ingrid Newkirk has a special holiday message for you that will brighten your spirits and help you ring in the new year ready to help animals.

Rats, Rejoice! Will the U.S. Take a Hint From Down Under?

Thanks to PETA Australia, new requirements from Australia’s National Health and Medical Research Council could make that country the first to end a cruel test on animals.

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