Drop the Flyswatter: Insects Are Conscious

A new study suggesting that insects are conscious shows why we should always err on the side of compassion.

© iStock.com/Sarawuth123
How Horse Racing Rewards Drug Abusers

Overlooking drug abuse in horse racing isn’t just shortsighted—it’s deadly.

Snip ‘Kitten Season’ In the Bud This Spring

No kitten—now is the time to spay and neuter your cats.

© iStock.com/Okissi68
To Win the War on Cancer, Dishonorably Discharge Tests on Animals

We must abandon ineffective tests on animals, which have hobbled cancer research since the war on cancer was declared nearly half a century ago

© iStock.com/tiripero
Bacon Apologists Prove That Meat Is Addictive

Even after reports link bacon and other meats to cancer, some meat addicts just can’t quit the habit.

© iStock.com/jean frooms
Americans Don’t Need or Want a Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus

Do we want our leaders supporting a hobby that teaches children to kill?

© iStock.com/paulbinet
What I Learned About Pit Bulls Woke Me Up

Chained, fought, and abused: The real story about pit bulls.

© iStock.com/Birkholz
What I Learned From Whole Foods Pigs Destined to Become Dinner

For the first time, PETA’s observer talks about her experience working at a pig farm that supplies Whole Foods.

We Won’t Win the War on Breast Cancer With Rose-Colored Glasses

Companies are bombarding the market with pink products for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but the best way to beat cancer is to skip the pink and go green.

© iStock.com/egal
10 Brainy Animals Who Can Help You Ace Your Studies

While PETA doesn’t condone copycatting, these brainy animals would be great cats to copy this school year.

© iStock.com/kwiktor
Why ‘Ethical’ Sourcing Labels Can’t Be Trusted

When animals’ body parts are used for mass production, to be turned into wool coats or leather boots, cruelty will always be part of the process.

© iStock.com/CelesteQuest
Bird Abusers Get Blanket Immunity

Thirteen years of government inaction has left birds wounded, dying, and dead in roadside zoos across the U.S.

© iStock.com//m-kojot
The ‘Frankenscience’ of Panda-Breeding Programs

Judging by the National Zoo’s recent stage-managed “pandamonium,” its practices need to be examined closely and the hype seen for what it is.

© iStock.com/Daniel Stein
To Prevent Shark Attacks, Stop Fishing

While some factors contributing to the increase in shark activity are beyond our control, there is one thing that we can do to help protect beachgoers: Ban fishing.

As a Breastfeeding Mother, My Heart Breaks for Cows

From mother cows to human mothers, a mother’s love knows no bounds.

© iStock.com/Tomas_Handfield
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