PETA’s Fall Spay/Neuter Special Combats Haunting Animal Homelessness

It’s all treats and no tricks with PETA’s seasonal deal for free spay/neuter surgeries.

9 Vegan Cakes Craig Robinson Should Try for His Birthday

“The Office” star—who recently lost 50 pounds after going vegan—celebrates a birthday on Wednesday, and PETA is giving him some vegan love.

The New ‘Dynasty’: All the Drama, None of the Fur

While the new Dynasty delivers all the greed, power struggles, backstabbing, drama, and cliffhangers of the original, one thing is noticeably absent: fur.

Miami Beach Commission Passes Mayor Philip Levine’s Resolution Calling for the Release of Lolita the Orca

Join Mayor Levine in urging the Miami Seaquarium to free Lolita, who has been confined for nearly 50 years to the tiniest orca tank in the world.

Video of People Eating Woodworms Will Sour Your Taste for ‘Seafood’

A video from overseas has people disgusted by the idea of eating woodworms, but revolting things are happening to mollusks here in the U.S.

Hurricane Harvey Rescues and Much More Featured in September News Roundup

From rescuing animals from hurricane-ravaged Texas to trolling the University of Pittsburgh, check out what PETA and our dedicated supporters accomplished in September.

Video: On This Fur Farm, Starved Animals Resort to Cannibalism for Survival

“[M]inks live here in pairs. If one of them dies, then the other eats it. Foxes are also eating each other.”

Nat Geo Documentary Paints a Portrait of One of the Fiercest Animal Advocates of All: Jane Goodall

Everyone needs a role model, and the legendary primatologist is certainly one of ours. Watch “Jane” to find out why you should strive to be like Jane, too.

PETA Brings Chaos to TAMU Board Meeting to Protest Dog Experiments

Take note, TAMU, and listen closely: We’ll never give up on the dogs you continue to torment in wasteful and worthless experiments.

Man Who Made Millions Selling Dogs’ Blood Finds Protesters at His Door

James Wiltz’ Patterson Veterinary Supply is a billion-dollar business, in part because of dogs suffering at The Pet Blood Bank. PETA is demanding that he help them.

Leo Invests in Vegan Future With Beyond Meat

Hollywood mega-star Leonardo DiCaprio is investing his money in the future—the “future of protein,” with Beyond Meat.

D∆WN’s ‘Graphic’ PETA Billboard Lands in Detroit

Singer D∆WN’s skin is “peeled off” for this anti-leather fall-fashion campaign in a billboard deemed “too graphic” for many U.S. cities.

WATCH: PETA’s Animal Rescue Team Returns From Puerto Rico, With a Few Friends in Tow

The animals who endured the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria have been to hell and back. Get to know a few of these dear souls, and learn how you can help them.

Watch: Bear Snaps at Handler Mid-Show, Beaten Back Into Submission

Every time that animals used for entertainment defend themselves, they’re sending a message loud and clear: “I don’t belong here.”

Pro Gorod11 | YouTube
Jason Derulo Goes Vegan, Feels Light and Healthy

Jason Derulo may be new to being vegan, but he knows how to do it right—he talks spinach, jackfruit, and his love of lentils!

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