PETA Strips to Save Animals, Urges U.N. to Go Vegan, and Much More

On any given day, all around the globe, PETA’s often provocative actions turn people’s heads on the street, stop pedestrians in their tracks, and expose cruelty wherever it occurs.

Help Stop Donkeys from Dying for ‘Medicine’ in China

Shocking eyewitness footage from Chinese farms shows donkeys as young as 5 months old bludgeoned and their throats cut to make “medicine.”

Maggie Q’s Compassion for Animals Is Boundless

The actor has done it again, joining PETA to take the anti-fur fight to China, where cruelty to animals is rampant and they’re skinned alive.

Update: Cruelty Charges Filed Against Dissection Company

After a PETA exposé found birds being drowned, crayfish injected with chemicals, and more, Bio Corporation faces 25 cruelty charges. Help end animal dissection today!

Direct Action Everywhere Shows The Truth Behind “Humane” Turkey

This sick baby turkey went from dragging herself across the ground to playing with puppies at a sanctuary.

We Tried Out a ‘Bat Signal’ to Protest SeaWorld, Because Animals Need Heroes

We took to the streets of Orlando, Florida, and turned an average wall into a larger-than-life protest against SeaWorld.

Mice Sewn Together in $300,000 Experiment That NIH Knows Is Bad Science

Imagine waking up stitched to someone else.

New Word for Merriam-Webster: ‘Tofucken’

PETA asks the online dictionary to add the popular vegan dish by Thanksgiving.

Mother Helplessly Chases After Her Stolen Calves in Heartbreaking Video

Can you imagine how traumatized this cow must have been?

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PETA Ads Remind Folks to Keep Compassion on Their Holiday Shopping Lists

Act compassionately this holiday season by keeping animals off your plates and out of your closets.

Wonderful Afternoon at Sublime as Artist Is Honored for Animal Song

PETA spent this past Sunday celebrating Grey for his brilliant viral song, “Vegan Thanksgiving.”

If ‘PETA Global’ Isn’t on Your Reading List, It Should Be

Keep up with what’s happening in the animal rights world with the new online edition of “PETA Global” magazine.

Activists Bring Protest Against TAMU Dog Experiments to the Gridiron

Activists unfurled an 8-foot-long banner at TAMU’s final home game to protest cruel, useless muscular dystrophy experiments on dogs.

Gruesome Photos: Harbor Waters Run Red With Slaughtered Whales’ Blood

Just-released graphic images show hundreds of dolphins and pilot whales in the Faroe Islands lying dead in the shallows, their heads nearly severed from their bodies.

6 Awesome Things Ryan Gosling Has Done for Animals, to Celebrate the Actor’s Birthday

Ryan Gosling has done some noble things for animals in his 37 years. To celebrate his birthday, we’re rounding up our favorite ones.

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