PETA Scientists Crush TAMU Officials on Their Own Turf With Hard Facts

PETA scientists spoke at Texas A&M to set the record straight: The school’s cruel muscular dystrophy experiments are a complete failure.

Personal Care & Fashion
Breaking News: John Galliano Tells PETA and ‘Elle’ He’s Going Fur-Free

Longtime PETA target John Galliano just announced that he’s finally going fur-free. Read the joint interview between the designer and PETA Senior Vice President Dan Mathews.

Suffering in Every Sip: Abuse on an Australian Dairy Farm

PETA’s exposé of an Australian dairy farm reveals the terrible suffering in every sip of milk, slice of cheese, and scoop of ice cream.

Who Would Do This to a Kitten?

This rescued kitten’s ear may be tattered, but her spirit is intact.

While Lolita Suffers in a Tiny Tank, PETA Fights for Her Release

Read the story of the years-long battle to reunite Lolita with her family.

Ingrid Newkirk Tackles Speciesism in Cross-Country Tour

“Every living, feeling being deserves respect and understanding.” —Ingrid Newkirk

© Andrew Goldstein Photography
From L.A. to D.C., PETA Activists March for Our Lives to End Gun Violence

PETA supporters marched in solidarity with and in support of all the victims of gun violence at March for Our Lives events across the country.

FREE ‘Stop Gun Violence’ Poster for the March This Weekend

Now is the time to promote kindness and compassion rather than violence, bloodshed, and death.

‘Isle of Dogs’ Gets Right What ‘A Dog’s Purpose’ and ‘Crazy Alien’ Got So Horribly Wrong

Dogs take on leading roles in Wes Anderson’s new heartwarming film. Instead of using real dogs, they’re brought to life through stop motion.

Clumsy Rangers Pitcher Kills and Eats Bull out of Spite; PETA Responds

PETA has shamed Rangers pitcher Martín Pérez after learning that the ballplayer with two left feet killed and ate a bull over a petty disagreement.

Personal Care & Fashion
Breaking News: After Decades of PETA Pressure, Donna Karan Is Going Fur-Free

After going back on multiple promises to stop using fur, Donna Karan finally commits to going fur-free.

Zac Efron Is the Latest Star to Embrace Vegan Eating in 2018

Eating purely vegan and feeling “brilliant,” Zac Efron is the latest celeb to announce that he’s ditched eggs, meat, and dairy “products.”

PETA Rallies at City Hall to Show Support for San Francisco Fur-Sale Ban

Following West Hollywood’s and Berkeley’s leads, San Francisco could become the next U.S. city to institute a citywide ban on the sale of fur.

Dead Greyhound With Ears ‘Cut Off’ Washes Up on Beach

In the greyhound racing industry, the cruelty isn’t limited to abandonment.

From ‘Designer Dog’ to Shelter Mutt and Back Again

The only thing that this “designer dog” has designs on is a new home.

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