Why Pony Painting Is Not a Game

Activities in which kids are encouraged to paint ponies’ bodies have emerged as a cruel new birthday party trend.

Rescued From Misery and Mud, Missy Now Needs a Loving Home (Photos, Videos)

Missy is so eager to be loved. She brings a lot to the table and deserves a guardian who will offer her as much love as she has to give.

PETA Launches Spotify Channel With Playlists for the Animal Rights Revolution

From punk to pop and everything in between, check out PETA’s Spotify channel for the best music to motivate the animal liberator in you.

© Michael Muller
Are Hens Still Suffering, Being Beaten, and Dying at Oklahoma Factory?

Cal-Maine Foods took over Mahard Egg Farm, where live hens were found amid rotting corpses in manure pits and filthy cages. Urge the company to end and prevent cruelty!

Lawsuit Prompts Delivery of Delicious Vegan Gift Baskets

Sham ham, soy cracklins, and other savory fare added to millions awarded in farm waste lawsuit.

Lights, Camera, … Death? Find Out What It Took to Make ‘Alpha’

Not even American Humane will endorse “Alpha.” Find out why.

What do Jack Daniel’s, IBM, Gucci, and Forever 21 have in common? PETA’s top news for July

These victories—which our supporters made possible—were huge. Can you believe they’re just a taste of all that we accomplished in July?

Want to Use the Copier? You’ll Have to Ask the ‘Copycat’

Chaplin had a rough start in life. But like his actor namesake, he chose to tackle his troubles with a smile.

EXPOSED: Gruesome Crime-Scene Photos From a Self-Professed ‘Animal Rescue’

“The animals’ skin looked like a thin shirt draped over a coat rack,” a sheriff said.

Remembering Ron Dellums, a Hero to Animals

Dellums was a Marine, a mayor, and a member of Congress for 13 terms, but to animals and their advocates, he was a hero.

Pet Store Leasing Scheme Costs Dog Buyers Thousands of Dollars

In a strange scam, shady pet stores have reportedly persuaded unsuspecting customers to sign leases disguised as loans for costly animals.

Support All Nursing Mothers: A Breastfeeding Mom’s Plea

Influencer and new mother Michelle Weinhofen teams up with PETA for a powerful anti-dairy plea ahead of World Breastfeeding Week.

RESCUED! Life Is a Picnic Now for Guinea Pigs Rescued From PetSmart Hell

Bogart and Duke languished in misery at a PetSmart store in Tennessee. Now, they’re in a loving home and finally living as guinea pigs should.

Zoo Reportedly Paints Donkeys as Zebras, Proving It Has No Respect for Animals

Paint is literally melting off this donkey’s face, yet zoo proprietors are still sticking to their “zebra” story. Pathetic.

Join Aubrey Miller on a Vegan Food Tour of Disneyland

The “most magical place on Earth” has gotten even cooler. Just Add Magic actor and lifetime vegan Aubrey Miller joined peta2 on a vegan adventure there.

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