PETA Commemorates Beloved Activist Shimon Shuchat (1998–2020)

The NYC animal rights community just lost a true hero, and PETA is urging everyone to commemorate this young activist’s earnest efforts by helping others go vegan.

Simon Cowell’s Back Injury Prompts Get-Well Gift From PETA India

Meet Simon the rescued bull—also recovering from a back injury after a motorbike accident—who has been named after the animal-loving music mogul.

Victory! Pig-Protecting Defendants Will NOT Serve Time in Jail for Exposing a Cruel Canadian Hog Farm

Victory! The pig defenders who exposed a cruel hog farm in British Columbia, Canada, will NOT serve time behind bars.

How His Mother’s Schizophrenia Taught Him to Have Empathy for All Animals

PETA’s Dan Mathews shares how being raised by a mother with schizophrenia led him to develop creative and effective ways to help animals and humans.

RIGHT: © Corey Sipkin
Alicia Silverstone and PETA: Did Abused Monkeys Pick Your Coconuts?

When Alicia Silverstone saw PETA Asia’s investigative footage of chained monkeys being forced to pick coconuts, she had to know more. Find out which brands to avoid!

Bison Defends Calf From Photo-Taking Tourist Who Got Too Close (Video)

Reminding us all that animals react when provoked, a bison at a South Dakota state park reportedly charged a woman—even ripping her pants off—who seemingly got too close to a calf.

Animal Companions
Dogs and Cats Starved and Abused at ‘Rescues’—Why Does This Keep Happening?

Ironically, authorities raid self-proclaimed “rescues” almost weekly to rescue animals from severe abuse and neglect. Make sure your support goes to the right place.

‘Tiger King’ Villain Tim Stark Keeps Hitting New Lows, and PETA Keeps On Winning

A court has ordered Tim Stark to pay $733,997.70 in additional legal fees and costs to PETA following our successful Endangered Species Act lawsuit against the big-cat torturer.

This Kitten at a ‘Pet’ Market in China Can Barely Keep Their Eyes Open

A dehydrated pug, seemingly ill cats, dogs kept in feces-encrusted wire cages—these are just some of the horrors a PETA Asia investigator found at an open “pet” market in China.

Whistleblower: Cows at Dairy Farm Trapped in Quicksand Made of Their Own Waste

Filth, abuse, and death—THIS is dairy. A whistleblower reports that cows and calves were left to suffer from infections, injuries, and oozing wounds.

John Lewis Encouraged Us All to Make Noise and Cause ‘Good Trouble’

In Lewis’ memory, may we all be inspired to be bold, speak out against injustice anywhere we find it, and get into some “good trouble.”

Walmart Must Cut Ties With Egg Supplier Caught Crudely Killing Hens

Tell Walmart there’s no excuse for workers to crudely break hens’ necks and leave them suffering. It must reconsider ties with this egg supplier NOW.

Should You Eat Cheese? Take PETA’s 60-Second Quiz to Find Out

Ever wondered, “Should I eat cheese?” You’re not alone. Take this short quiz to find out, and see what to do with your newfound knowledge.

Think Spiders and Snakes Are Scary? Try Having Your Brain Sucked Out

If she wants to elicit maximum fear, Elisabeth Murray’s evil plan is working. Before using fake spiders and snakes, she saws open her victims’ skulls and injects them with toxins.

For Once, Be a ‘Blockhead’: Order PETA’s Exclusive Tofu Costume Today!

Here’s the perfect costume for walking the neighborhood, attending a party, or starring in your own home video! Pre-order a “Tofu Never Caused a Pandemic” costume today.

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