Men Caught on Camera Stabbing Dog 18 Times—PETA Latino Urges Officials to Act

A father-son duo reportedly stabbed a dog 18 times. PETA Latino is urging local officials to protect all community members by throwing the book at the men if they’re convicted.

© Elena González / El Siglo de Torreón
The Free Expert Vegan Health Tips You’ve ‘Bean’ Waiting for—Register Now!

Join 25 of the world’s most trusted experts for the free online 10th Annual Food Revolution Summit! Get the latest insights on vegan health while supporting PETA’s vital work for animals. It’s a win-win! Register today.

Gillian Anderson Calls On Kering to Shed Fur

Kering confirmed that its brands Balenciaga and Alexander McQueen are officially fur-free, leaving Saint Laurent and Brioni as the company’s only holdouts. Join Gillian Anderson in urging Kering to implement a fur-free ban across all of its fashion houses.

Free PETA Webinar! Secure Your Legacy With Planning Essentials for 2021

Delayed creating your personal estate plans or don’t know where to start? Join top legal and financial-planning experts on May 12 to learn how to ensure your loved ones’ well-being while securing your legacy. Register now to reserve your seat!

Top Oscar® Nominees Can Help Dogs in Hot Cars, Thanks to PETA

This year, PETA is giving Hollywood stars a “break” from the usual luxurious swag-bag freebies by providing them with custom emergency hammers to help dogs trapped in hot cars.

Baby Chicks’ Dead Bodies Cover Floor of Filthy Shed (Eyewitness Video)

Severe injuries, dead and dying chicks, rotting bodies scattered on the feces-covered floor of dank, dark sheds: THIS is what you’re supporting when you buy chicken.

PETA: WHO’s New Live-Market Call to Action: Too Little, Too Late?

Perhaps PETA Asia’s director should take over as WHO director-general—then we’d get sensible decisions about the welfare of humans and other animals, with no time wasted.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
The Results Are In! The Winners of PETA’s 2020 Oscat Awards Are …

Every year, PETA honors the actors, directors, writers, and others who advocate for animals through film. Here are the winners of the fourth annual Oscats!

Sun, Sand, and … Spaying?! PETA Latino Launches Cancún Spay-a-Thon

Spring break in Cancún isn’t just about partying ’til dawn. See how PETA Latino is making a lasting difference for Cancún’s animals.

From Coast to Coast, Students Call On SeaWorld to ‘Empty the Tanks’

With protests in Orlando, Florida; San Antonio; and San Diego, the youth-led group Students Opposing Speciesism let SeaWorld know it’s in deep water for keeping animals in lockdown for life.

Kate del Castillo Calls For Animal Rights Revolution in New PETA Latino Video

“We are all the same in all the ways that matter,” Kate del Castillo begins her new PETA Latino video, which calls for an end to speciesism.

Bull: geauxmuse/
Animal Companions
Matted Dog Does Touchdown Dance After Getting Long-Overdue Haircut

After PETA rescued a severely matted dog from a depressing backyard pen, you won’t believe how happy she is to get her first haircut.

These Celebrities Can’t Stop Talking About the Netflix Hit ‘Seaspiracy’

From an NBA star to some of the hottest names in film and TV, celebs around the world are urging their fans to watch “Seaspiracy” and keep fish off their plates.

The Connection Between the Suez Canal Blockage and Animals Stuck on Ships

Everyone’s talking about the cargo ship that was stuck in the Suez Canal—but what about the animals trapped on live-export ships? They deserve freedom, too.

The Secret Ingredient That’s Been Missing From Your Beauty Routine: Tofu!

Are you after glossier hair, whiter teeth, and more radiant skin? Then PETA’s got news for you: Our tofu beauty product lineup is available now! Visit the PETA Shop to order yours.

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