Free Event! Let Ingrid Newkirk ‘Whisker’ You Away to the Secret World of Cats

Is it “pawsible” to learn the language of cats? Ingrid Newkirk is here to answer that question and much more in a free book talk all about cats. Save your spot (or stripes!) today.

Kitten Genius Sheldon Rescued by PETA Seeks New Roommate: Apply Today!

Are you looking for a smart, spunky new roommate? Consider Sheldon—he’s a young kitten with a love of “string theory” and sunny windows.

Animal Companions
PETA Fielded Calls From California to Canada to Help Animals This Summer

On an average day, PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department receives dozens of phone calls reporting cases of animal abuse. Here’s what happens next.

Paulina Rubio Urges Miami Seaquarium to Release Lolita to a Sanctuary

Paulina Rubio, PETA, and many others are speaking out for Lolita, asking The Dolphin Company to let her live out her golden years in a better place.

Are You Patrick’s Star? PETA-Rescued Labradoodle Looking for New Home

Patrick loves tennis balls, has gorgeous cocoa-brown fur, and is looking for a family to call his own—could you be Patrick’s star?

Celebrate International Friendship Day With These Heartwarming PETA Rescue Stories

This International Friendship Day, these heartwarming PETA rescue stories will remind you that the truest friends stick together—even through the toughest times.

Animal Companions
Join Us! PETA’s Legacy Essentials: 7 Steps to Continuing Your Life Story

We all want to ensure that we, our loved ones, and our convictions are protected now and in the future. Sign up to learn how to properly plan for peace of mind.

UMass Menopause Experiments on Marmosets Make Lily Tomlin Hot Under the Collar

These tiny monkeys don’t go through “the change.” You won’t find them fanning themselves with banana leaves. So why are experimenters “studying menopause” using them?

PETA Names the Top Things That Hit Video Game ‘Stray’ Gets Right About Cats

The hit video game Stray points out many important struggles that “outdoor cats” face, and it’s getting top marks from PETA for its accuracy.

Animal Companions
Maxi’s Owner Passed Away—Can You Love and Comfort Her?

PETA is trying to find a new home for sweet senior dog Maxi, whose owner passed away, leaving her outside alone. Can you love and comfort Maxi for the rest of her life?

PETA Names Most Beautiful Vegan Celebrities of 2022

PETA’s Most Beautiful Vegan Celebrities of 2022 have been crowned—and they hit all the right notes when it comes to vegan eating.

After PETA’s Rescue, Formerly Chained Chihuahua Is Unrecognizable (Video)

Tiny Henry was chained outside in all weather extremes—all day, every day. Watch his new guardian’s emotional reaction to seeing him before he was rescued by PETA.

Watch PETA Transform the Lives of These Starving Sheep Kept at a Convenience Store

Starving and isolated, mother sheep Camellia and her baby needed help. Watch what happened after PETA rescued them.

Journey Around the World With Ingrid Newkirk to Meet the Animals You’ve Helped Save

From the rescuers risking everything in war-ravaged Ukraine to the volunteers at spay-a-thons in Mexico, take a virtual trip with PETA’s president to see our worldwide impact. Register today!

Pamplona’s Weeklong ‘Running of the Bulls’ Leaves Dozens of Bulls Slaughtered, at Least 29 Humans Injured

Pamplona’s Running of the Bulls has ended, leaving behind a trail of injured humans and an even longer trail of slaughtered bulls.

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