Game Over, Cockfighters

This rooster from the property was wearing an ankle tag when he was found. A collaborative effort involving multiple law-enforcement agencies has resulted in the takedown of what may just be the largest cockfighting ring in U.S. history! According to information we received from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the DEA-led effort was intended to … Read more »

Animal Rights Are Headline News

secretscanbemurder / CC Remember when Oprah did that show exposing puppy mills? Everybody was talking about it! We love when the truth about animal cruelty gets out to the public, and now Jane Velez-Mitchell is stepping up to educate her viewers on New Year’s Day. If you’ve watched her show, Issues With Jane Velez-Mitchell, on … Read more »

Celebrities Pony It Up

Snow is great when you’re watching it through your window with a soy hot chocolate, but imagine being in harness, dragging a cart full of tourists through slush and ice all day, without even a blanket—despite temperatures in the teens—and with nothing but iron between you and the pavement. Doesn’t sound like such a happy … Read more »

Hairy Kate and Trashley: It Doesn’t Get Much Fuglier Than That

latimes / CC The latest spread in Us magazine features our favorite fur-toting trolls as they exemplify the ugly side of fashion. The haggard crones just can’t seem to get enough of killing animals for their fur, whether they’re wearing it, designing with it, or paying someone to rip it off the backs of animals. … Read more »

Katy Perry’s New Year’s Resolution

starpulse / CC We’re all about New Year’s Resolutions here at PETA. Mine is to quit eating so much delicious vegan junk food and start cooking healthier vegan meals. Pop star Katy Perry had a similar idea when she said, “I try to want to be a vegetarian ’cause I know it would be more … Read more »

Sea Kittens Now Have Competition!

First there were sea kittens. Now, I give you sea puppies:     Volkswagen’s commercial for the new SpaceFox car shows a half-dog, half-fish animal and his loving guardian. We think it’s sweet that this “sea puppy” (as I like to call him) is his human’s best friend, and it even reminded us a little … Read more »

Canada Attempts (and Fails) to Improve Conditions for Seals

britannica / CC Every year in Canada, over 330,000 harp seals are bludgeoned to death as the world looks on in horror. Recently, opposition to this cruel industry has been mounting and the international community is speaking out against this bloody massacre. Belgium and the Netherlands have passed laws banning the importation of seal fur, … Read more »

It’s a Dog-Eat-Horse World

We all know about the horrific treatment of animals killed for human consumption, but a lot of us dog guardians haven’t stopped to think about what we’re feeding Fido for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Recently, a University of Florida student investigated Moses Dog Food company (based in Ocala, Florida) to find out what’s in your … Read more »

Cruelty, Thy Name Is Wintour

OK. So I’ll admit that I’m a sucker for a good list. Grocery lists, “to do” lists, Christmas lists (wait, that was last week)—you name it. Lists are a fantastic source of information (see our favorite lists), as demonstrated by this bit of list gold I found while browsing Time Magazine’s “Top 10 Fashion Faux … Read more »

PETA (Hearts) Australia?

photobucket / CC G’day, mates! I’m stoked to tell you that the blokes in Victoria, Australia, have given the flick to cruel mousetraps. It’s a rip snorter of a decision, and our hats are off to ya. Onya, Aussies! Translation: Hello! Great news: The government in Victoria, Australia, just passed its new and improved Prevention … Read more »

Happy Holidays to All
Paris Hilton Gets Faux-Fur Present From Mom

crimerant / CC In the three years since Paris Hilton had a bouquet of flours (millet and plain baking) tossed at her—sorry, on her—by an animal rights activist, she’s come a long way. But, like some others who have graced PETA’s annual “Worst Dressed” list, Paris has gotten the message about the cruelty of the … Read more »

Little Kids Cut a Big Check for Dogs!

My favorite part about the holidays (actually … maybe my second favorite—next to feasting on my mom’s famous Cashew Nut Roast) is how people come together to help those in need. While we’re all toasty indoors, dreaming and hoping for a “White Winter,” countless “backyard dogs” will not do so well in the ice and … Read more »

Yes, There Is a Santa Claus

In fact, there are two Santas! Wearing little red numbers sure to make Old Saint Nick’s heart skip a beat—and to make any other dude in the vicinity pretty darn jolly—a pair of PETA’s Sexy Santas recently greeted Greenville, South Carolina, and Augusta, Georgia, grocery shoppers with free soy nog, kisses under the mistletoe, and … Read more »

PETA Offers Tofurkys to Laid-Off GM Workers

Some folks at our PETA headquarters were moved when they read that after spending the last few days packing up bags of food for needy families, a General Motors plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, has shut down, and thousands of workers have lost their jobs. So, we’re extending the same offer that we gave to AT&T … Read more »

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