PETA Germany’s Holocaust Display Banned

Back in 2004, PETA launched our Holocaust on Your Plate (HOYP) traveling display, which juxtaposes images of animals in slaughterhouses and factory farms with images of humans in Nazi concentration camps. The display was inspired by a passage from Nobel-prize–winning Jewish author Isaac Bashevis Singer’s book, The Letter Writer: “In relation to them, all people … Read more »

The Canadian Seal Slaughter: An End in Sight?

You have to wonder why the seal slaughter is allowed to continue even though almost everyone is opposed to it, including most Canadians. Helpless baby seals are beaten to death. The babies are dragged across the ice with boat hooks, and some are even skinned alive. So you see why we’re doing all we can … Read more »

Will Motorists See Red Over McCruelty Billboards?

Our McCruelty campaign has been raging on for about a month now, with no word from McDonald’s about improving welfare standards for the animals killed for its restaurants. But since when has a little resistance stopped us? That said, we think it’s the perfect time to kick the campaign up a notch, don’t you agree? … Read more »

Michael Jackson Is ‘Bad’ With Animals

  blogs.propertyfinder / CC Update: Michael Jackson has announced that he will not be using any live animals in his concert series at London’s O2 arena. Click here for more info. The King of Pop has a sordid past when it comes to the way he treats animals, but we were still shocked by Michael … Read more »

Iditarod 2009: Six Dogs Dead

  btinternet / CC When we discussed the first dog to die during the 2009 Iditarod, I mentioned that more were likely to follow. Now, at the end of the race, the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner reports that this year’s death toll stands at six. Six dogs. Dead. And for what? A belt buckle. A long … Read more »

Victory! Time Warner Cable Store Nixes Exotic Animal Display

  Paw Prints tiger When a Time Warner Cable Store at the Independence Mall in Wilmington, N.C., planned to host Kelly’s Paw Print Productions exotic-animal show, it apparently had no idea that Paw Prints is a chronic violator of the federal Animal Welfare Act. Time Warner Cable didn’t hesitate to cancel the scheduled event with … Read more »

We Hate to Say ‘We Told You So,’ But …

  lh5.ggpht / CC … Wait a minute, what am I saying? We love to say “We told you so.” And this time, what we’ve been telling you for years is finally making headlines. Here’s the truth—drumroll, please—meat, as it turns out, is bad for you. Specifically, meat increases your chances of dying prematurely. That’s … Read more »

They’re (Almost) Not in Kansas Anymore–and That’s a Good Thing

It’s been almost a year in the making, but three lions and two tigers in Kansas will soon be on their way to new homes after PETA pressured local authorities to act. We were first alerted to the big cats’ plight back in May 2008, when a passerby informed us that the animals were being … Read more »

PETA Offers to Rescue Tobacco Quit Line / CC Much to the dismay of struggling addicts in the Wolverine State, the Michigan Tobacco Quit Line has been shut down until October 1 because it just couldn’t financially keep up with the requests for nicotine replacement therapy products. As an organization that helps people fight another addiction (meat addiction, that is) … Read more »

PETA Predicts ‘Battlestar Galactica’ Finale

Spoiler alert: If you haven’t watched the series finale of Battlestar Galactica, do not read any further. Simply look at the photos below, then leave a comment telling us which public service announcement is your fave, Tricia “Six” Helfer’s or Jamie “Lee Adama” Bamber’s. So the greatest show in the history of the universe, Battlestar … Read more »

Call of Duty’s Violence Against Dogs Sparks Student Protest

Not since we were pitted against Nazi attack dogs when we first escaped from Castle Wolfenstein 17 years ago have we seen such barbaric treatment of dogs in video games as we did in Call of Duty, World at War. During the course of the game, you are forced to shoot attack dogs and you … Read more »

Seal Slaughter Starts Today!

This is it, people. If you haven’t written to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Vancouver Olympic Organizing Committee yet, today is the day. Not only did Canada’s annual seal slaughter start today, they’ve actually increased the quota of seals that can be slaughtered. This means that seal killers can legally bash in the … Read more »

PETA’s Leopard Ladies Take a Stand for the Brazilian Wax

As a woman and an as-proud-as-you-can-be resident of New Jersey, I have to say that this latest piece of news frightened me right down to my … toes. The New Jersey State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling was seriously considering a ban on any and all waxing of our lady-parts—particularly “Brazilians”—after two women wound up … Read more »

Victory! Urban Outfitters Becomes Fur-Free

110livingston / CC Just a stone’s throw away from my favorite New York City restaurant is an Urban Outfitters store, whose aisles I’ve been known to peruse after a hearty meal of soul “chicken” and homemade “ice cream” (all vegan, of course!). Imagine my shock when, during a recent visit, I spotted fur in Urban … Read more »

Whoopi Fakes It in Drag Revival

wowowow / CC After 30 years, Legends!—the infamous Broadway-play-that-wasn’t—will finally be making its debut on the New York stage. While the original, ill-fated touring productions featured such starlets as Carol Channing, Joan Collins, Linda Evans, and Mary Martin as aging rivals parading around in furs, the PETA-friendly revival will feature Whoopi Goldberg and drag legends … Read more »

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