Animal Companions
PETA Asia Busts Porn Ring

Philippine animal abusers meet their match in PETA Asia.

Animal Companions
UW Gets Hit by a Bus—or 130 Buses, to Be More Accurate

Residents of Madison, Wisconsin, are getting a disturbing peek behind the closed doors of a University of Wisconsin–Madison cat laboratory.

Animal Companions
PETA’s Most Attention-Grabbing Efforts to Save Turkeys

Every November, PETA gives turkeys something to be thankful for with our headline-grabbing actions. You’re welcome, free birds.

PETA’s Latest Effort Against Linda Bean Drives Home the Point

Update: A representative of Linda Bean’s Perfect Maine reports that the company is no longer slaughtering lobsters and crabs at a processing plant previously operated by Linda Bean’s Maine Lobster. It appears that a company called Harbor’s Maine Realty, LLC purchased the property, and Harbor’s Maine Lobster, LLC acquired the processing operation. It is unclear … Read more »

Animal Companions
Zoo That Imprisoned Ben the Bear Scares Up New Horrors

A recent visitor to a notorious North Carolina roadside zoo makes a macabre discovery.

Animal Companions
Matador Meets Karma: Graphic Goring Caught on Tape

I would have liked to have titled this blog “Bull: 1, Matador: 0,” but unfortunately, in the world of bullfighting torturing, even when the bull wins, he loses. Even though he clearly won this “fight,” the bull in the below video was reportedly killed by other matadors after running a horn through one bullfighter’s throat. … Read more »

Animal Companions
‘Exotic’ Skins: Graphic Mistakes

Do you know somebody who’s thinking about adding a Hermes crocodile-skin bag or a pair of Alexander McQueen snakeskin pumps to their Christmas wish list? If so, the graphic pictures below will probably have them sending Santa a plea for a Matt & Nat bag or a pair of MooShoes instead.     Whether your … Read more »

Animal Companions
Jillian Michaels: Animal-Lover to a ‘Tee’

As an obsessed fan of The Biggest Loser, I just about jumped out off the couch last night when America’s toughest trainer Jillian Michaels walked onscreen wearing PETA’s ever popular “Fight Breedism” T-shirt.     For the whole first half of the show, while the contestants were filming in Washington D.C., Jillian rocked the compassionate … Read more »

Animal Companions
Chain of Caring People Races to Rescue Pigeon

  A tree grows in Brooklyn … actually, many of them do. And from one of those trees, a pigeon dangled upside down from a piece of string that was caught around her leg and tangled on a tree branch two stories above a busy sidewalk, beside a busy street. When a caring Brooklynite contacted … Read more »

Animal Companions
Death by Botox

On Sunday, the U.K. newspaper The Sunday Times ran a great article about a recent undercover investigation conducted at a Hampshire laboratory that tests Dysport—a wrinkle-erasing drug similar to Botox—on mice. The investigation was conducted by our friends at the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection, and among the most disturbing findings of the … Read more »

Animal Companions
Oprah: ‘That Better Be Faux!’

personalmoneystore / CC Here’s one more reason why I heart Oprah. Yesterday, during her fall fashion style makeover show, a stylist mentioned that a furry vest worn in one woman’s “after” look was faux. Oprah replied, “I was a PETA Woman of the Year so I hope that’s faux!” From celebrating vegan cuisine with Chef … Read more »

Animal Companions
Library Hosts Compassion This Holiday Season

Want to get active for animals, but not exactly the bikini in an ice storm type? You could take a cue from two fabulous Florida citizens and organize a “holiday compassion” display.   Carla and Bryan Wilson set up this beautiful educational exhibit in Florida’s largest public library.   The display includes an awww-inspiring photo … Read more »

Animal Companions
Not Impressed by ‘Batmanu’

On Saturday, a bat found his or her way into the San Antonio Spurs game. (Some speculate that the animal didn’t just fly in by accident.) The bat, of course, did what anybody would do in such a terrifying, unfamiliar situation—try to get the heck out of there—which, naturally, delayed the game. Until, that is, … Read more »

Animal Companions
Hidden Cameras–Coming to a Billboard Near You?

Yesterday, the enormously talented (and playfully goofy, but more on that in a minute) singer/songwriter Joel Gibb of the indie band The Hidden Cameras was in Ottawa to unveil a billboard reminding everyone that “Canada’s Club Scene Sucks.”     While other compassionate celebrities have opted to wear our seal T-shirt to point out that … Read more »

Animal Companions
Bunnies Drowned at Ohio Petland

To prevent future incidents like this one, please, never buy from pet stores and urge Petland at the very least to stop selling rabbits.

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