Baby Chicks’ Dead Bodies Cover Floor of Filthy Shed (Eyewitness Video)

Severe injuries, dead and dying chicks, rotting bodies scattered on the feces-covered floor of dank, dark sheds: THIS is what you’re supporting when you buy chicken.

PETA: WHO’s New Live-Market Call to Action: Too Little, Too Late?

Perhaps PETA Asia’s director should take over as WHO director-general—then we’d get sensible decisions about the welfare of humans and other animals, with no time wasted.

© Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals
‘Seaspiracy’ Dives Deep Into ‘Bycatch’ and ‘Dolphin-Safe’ Tuna Scandals

Is your penchant for tuna and shrimp killing dolphins and sharks, too? “Seaspiracy” says it could be. Learn what the film reveals about “bycatch” and dubious “dolphin-safe” logos.

Men Caught on Camera Setting Elephant on Fire

This elephant was wandering around his own home. The violence perpetrated by these men was more than heartbreaking—it was avoidable.

These Folks Learned the Hard Way: Big Cats Are Dangerous Predators

Never support any venue that allows tourists to interact with tigers, leopards, or other big cats. Here’s how ones that do put everyone involved at risk.

WATCH: Bear Snaps at Handler Mid-Circus, Is Beaten With a Shovel

It’s not shocking that a bear would lash out after being beaten, and it’s appalling that animals are still being exploited and abused for entertainment in 2020.

5,000 Dogs, Other Animals Likely Bought Online Found Dead in Shipping Boxes

“It was like a living hell,” said one witness. “[T]he entire place reek[ed] of rotting bodies.”

GRAPHIC: Horses Killed, Dumped on Bike Trail in Los Angeles County

It’s sickening to consider the pain and fear of these horses’ final moments, and PETA is calling on officials to be transparent and to throw the book at their killers.

Selfie-Taker Fondling Tiger’s Testicles Is Awful, but So Is Touching a Tiger at All

A woman at a Thai tourist trap was allowed to take a selfie while holding a reportedly drugged tiger’s testicles—but what’s happening in our own backyard is just as disturbing.

Victory! Pig-Protecting Defendants Will NOT Serve Time in Jail for Exposing a Cruel Canadian Hog Farm

Victory! The pig defenders who exposed a cruel hog farm in British Columbia, Canada, will NOT serve time behind bars.

Bison Defends Calf From Photo-Taking Tourist Who Got Too Close (Video)

Reminding us all that animals react when provoked, a bison at a South Dakota state park reportedly charged a woman—even ripping her pants off—who seemingly got too close to a calf.

This Kitten at a ‘Pet’ Market in China Can Barely Keep Their Eyes Open

A dehydrated pug, seemingly ill cats, dogs kept in feces-encrusted wire cages—these are just some of the horrors a PETA Asia investigator found at an open “pet” market in China.

Whistleblower: Cows at Dairy Farm Trapped in Quicksand Made of Their Own Waste

Filth, abuse, and death—THIS is dairy. A whistleblower reports that cows and calves were left to suffer from infections, injuries, and oozing wounds.

Think Spiders and Snakes Are Scary? Try Having Your Brain Sucked Out

If she wants to elicit maximum fear, Elisabeth Murray’s evil plan is working. Before using fake spiders and snakes, she saws open her victims’ skulls and injects them with toxins.

Arrival of 500 Puppies—38 Reportedly Dead—in Canada Speaks to Bigger Issue

This “horror show” is evidence of a widespread problem: Millions of American dogs are euthanized each year, yet thousands are shipped from overseas, adding to the death toll.

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