Kentucky Fried Cruelty: Coming to a Fire Truck Near You?

What’s brilliant, saves lives, and red all over? A fire truck wrapped in one of these ads:     When we heard that KFC was defacing covering fire hydrants throughout Indianapolis with ads for its “fiery” wings, we immediately offered to help the city’s fire departments, which are struggling from economic woes, by applying to … Read more »

Ellie the Elephant Makes School Cool

PETA’s Ellie the Elephant can melt hearts of all ages. Need proof? Yesterday, during Ellie’s tour around the country to educate people about Ringling’s abuse of baby elephants, the kids in Nashville, Tennessee, rushed to hug Ellie when she visited their elementary school. When one student asked Ellie why she was wearing a bandage, Ellie … Read more »

Introducing ‘McDonald’s Mayhem’?

funpeak / CC Perez Hilton reported Monday that an Ohio woman got into a flap when she was told that McDonald’s was out of McNuggets—and was apparently arrested after she punched out the drive-thru window. This altercrazion* is just the latest in a recent rash of fights, stabbings, and shootings that have taken place at … Read more »

Victory! Overstock Stops Selling Exotic Skins

At the rate victories are rolling in, 2010 is set to be a great year for animals! In addition to a victory for greyhounds, yesterday, online mega-retailer announced that it will no longer sell products made from exotic skins. Chair and CEO Patrick Byrne made the announcement that his company would remove all … Read more »

Government Inspectors Condemn Animal Laboratories at UW-Madison

After reading an article in the Duluth News Tribune about the goings-on at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I took my dogs, Charlie and Lucy, for a long walk. My brain needed to mull over the angle I’d take in writing this blog—my soul needed to witness happy dogs doing dog things like sniffing tree trunks … Read more »

Dealer Loses Custody of ‘Stock’ Because of Cruel Treatment of Animals

We’ve just received word that Arlington (Texas) Municipal Judge Michael Smith has divested Jasen and Vanessa Shaw—owners and operators of animal warehouse U.S. Global Exotics, Inc. (USGE)—of the more than 26,000 mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and arachnids who were seized from USGE on December 15. U.S. Global Exotics, Inc., is a major player in the pet … Read more »

Pamela Anderson Urges Chile to Ban Circuses That Use Animals

cm1.theinsider / CC Pamela Anderson’s got to have more frequent flyer miles than George Clooney’s character in Up in the Air. And wherever she goes, she makes sure the people and the media talk about her efforts to help animals. The latest destination of PETA’s jet-setting BFF? Chile. Chile recently ratified a national animal welfare … Read more »

PETA Urges Restaurants Nationwide to Ditch Dead Heads

I’ve never understood why some bars and restaurants line their establishments with dead heads—and I don’t mean the tie-die type. I’m referring to the stuffed heads of animals. No amount of Zinfandel can ease the anxiety and sadness I feel under the glassy-eyed stare of a dead moose or deer head. Ugh. Now it’s the … Read more »

Lettuce Lady Livens Up LAX

I’m willing to bet my Tofutti Cuties that these TSA employees managed to get a (visual) full-body scan.   Can you say “bombshell” in an airport? Fans of Meet the Parents probably agree that it wouldn’t be wise, and after the Christmas Day attempt to blow up a Detroit-bound airplane, I’m not sure. But I’ve … Read more »

Plague of ‘Superbugs’ Is Super Scary

jonbarron / CC “Super Freak.” Super Target. Superbad. I’d say the wedding reception classic, shopper’s wonderland, and hit flick are all worth cheering. But “superbugs,” a la swine flu, salmonella, and E. coli? Not so much. These drug-resistant infections contaminate not only our air and waterways but also America’s meat supply, which is also greatly … Read more »

Animal Tests: A Choice We Can’t Live With in 2010

veganrepresent / CC The following post originally appeared in Florida’s Bradenton Herald. Who would you save—your child or your dog? This is the phony choice lobbed at those of us who advocate for the replacement of animal tests with non-animal testing methods. Fortunately, you don’t have to choose. Under pressure from citizens concerned about exposure … Read more »

VICTORY! Construction of Bioculture’s Monkey Factory Halted

This year is coming to a close, but we’re not done yet: The victories keep pouring, or should I say, roaring in! We recently reported the end of cruel cat labs at Texas Tech and Robert’s “retirement” from experiments at the University of Utah. Today, we’re thrilled to announce yet another huge victory—this time, for … Read more »

PETA Names Man and Woman of the Year

It wasn’t easy to choose two people out of the slew of celebrities who have taken action for animals this year—heck, just during the past two months, Joanna Krupa bared her true feelings about purebred pups, Ana Ortiz blasted McDonald’s, and a blinding number of stars all agreed that protesting the Canadian seal slaughter fit … Read more »

The Sims 3: Most Animal-Friendly Game of 2009

The holidays are almost over, and after days of small talk with friends and family, there’s nothing I want more than to go bleary-eyed from playing video games. With the announcement that The Sims 3 has just won PETA’s Proggy Award for Most Animal-Friendly Game of 2009, it’s obvious which digital world I’ll be inhabiting … Read more »

Exclusive Interview With Mario

Mario knows what it’s like to be on top—his new album, D.N.A., has been climbing the charts—but his compassion keeps him grounded. That’s why this Billboard Music Award–winning R&B crooner is baring his “Soul Truth” tattoo (and his chest) in a sexy new “Ink, Not Mink” ad. And in a PETA Files exclusive interview, the … Read more »

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