Caring Cats, Winner Warblers, and Improbable Animal Friendships

Animals are full of infinite surprises. Tiny warblers fly thousands of miles during migration, cats become nurses, and dogs and rats are best friends.

Selfless Orangutans, Thankful Crows, and Cavorting Crocodiles

Animals will give their food to others in need, express gratitude with gifts, and even give each other rides for fun. So why do we still exploit them?

Beavers Battling Climate Change and Fish Who Love to Play

The similarities between humans and other animals are endless. Check out these three species that, just like us, know how to get things done—and have fun.

Other Animals Have Their Own ‘911’ Code

As The Beatles famously said, we all get by with a little help from our friends—including friends of different species.

Humans Aren’t the Only Primates With Social Networks

How little we know about animals! Discoveries reveal that shrimp can create ocean currents, giraffes’ circulatory systems are like antigravity suits, and more.

Fish Are as Smart as Chimpanzees, and Other Things You Never Knew

In this edition of “Amazing Animals,” we learn that fish are as smart as chimpanzees, that cockatoos make great teachers, and why animals can’t resist touch screens.

The Animal Kingdom Is Full of Big Talkers

From underwater turtle talk to equine sign language, animals have a voice and things to say. But are we listening?

PETA’s Top Blog Posts of 2013

Smart crows, a cute beagle, and imperiled Zerglings. They’re all stars of PETA’s most popular blog posts of 2013.

© Susan Riley Photography
Contest! Win a Book of Stunning Animal Photography

Through stunning visual imagery, this one-of-a-kind coffee table book aims to inspire people to take a fresh look at animals and see them in a different way.

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