PETA’s Updated Vegan Report Card: Find Vegan-Friendly U.S. Colleges
PETA’s Updated Vegan Report Card: Find Vegan-Friendly U.S. Colleges

PETA has reviewed vegan options at over 1,400 colleges and universities, and dining services are increasing animal-friendly choices nationwide!

More Than 10 Million Animals Are Used for Dissection Each Year—PETA Is Changing That
More Than 10 Million Animals Are Used for Dissection Each Year—PETA Is Changing That

Help us make history for animals by making animal dissection a thing of the past.

PETA Cosponsors Legislation to End Animal Dissection in California!
PETA Cosponsors Legislation to End Animal Dissection in California!

Cutting up the corpses of dead animals for a crude biology lesson should be a thing of the past—and now, California has the opportunity to make animal dissection history.

The Most Disturbing Dissection Classes EVER
The Most Disturbing Dissection Classes EVER

The following science “lessons” prove that the only thing dissection teaches students is how to disrespect animals.

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