Stephen Colbert seemingly got all kinds of fired up on “The Late Show” while discussing Chaokoh, which forces chained monkeys to pick coconuts.
Horseshoe crabs have survived mass extinctions and ice ages. But they’ve never met a danger as big as the speciesist humans who want their blood.
Trafficking animals—like similar trades in drugs, weapons, and humans—is a huge criminal moneymaker that puts countless lives at risk.
Some dictionaries mistakenly define “snake” as “a treacherous or deceitful person,” but it was Zoo Med that lied to customers about the inadequate tanks it peddles for these sensitive animals.
After PETA released video footage of a bloodthirsty elephant hunter, it’s apparent that El Al Israel Airlines could no longer stomach shipping hunting trophies.
![A white cat with pink hearts surrounding them](
PETA France took a shot at Nacon’s violent video game Hunting Simulator 2 to say that killing animals is never acceptable—even on a screen.
Masks aren’t going away anytime soon. The good news? We can all take a little extra care to make sure they don’t hurt fellow animals.
Reminding us all that animals react when provoked, a bison at a South Dakota state park reportedly charged a woman—even ripping her pants off—who seemingly got too close to a calf.
A shocking video from Durango, Mexico, shows a wild military macaw screaming in pain after being shot in the wing by a family who reportedly wanted to keep the bird as a “pet.”
Longtime PETA member Alec Baldwin talks with Ingrid Newkirk about starting PETA, animal rights progress, and her new book, “Animalkind,” on his podcast, “Here’s the Thing.”
Renowned world travelers, sea turtles—whose brains likely contain navigation crystals—lead complex lives that will fascinate you.
If you were misled into purchasing a snake or another habitat that didn’t meet the animal’s most basic needs, please contact us.
Shy, solitary pangolins want to be left alone to forage and climb trees—not be sold for soup at “wet markets,” where diseases like COVID-19 originate.
PETA responds to the new Netflix docuseries “Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness.” Learn more about the ways tiger cubs suffer for entertainment.
What can a snake do after falling into a well? Would passing humans put their speciesism aside and help this struggling living being in peril?