Teacher’s Guest Kills Rabbits Before Dissecting the Animals at a Canadian Elementary School
Teacher’s Guest Kills Rabbits Before Dissecting the Animals at a Canadian Elementary School

After students at a Canadian elementary school witnessed a gruesome dissection of rabbits, PETA offered animal-free dissection methods.

For Groundhog Day, PETA Offers a New Folklore-Based Forecaster: A Persimmon Tree!
For Groundhog Day, PETA Offers a New Folklore-Based Forecaster: A Persimmon Tree!

Instead of using live groundhogs, PETA pitched a new, animal-friendly Groundhog Day tradition to The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club.

Caught on Camera: Polish Hunter’s Eye Gouged by Stag During Escape
Caught on Camera: Polish Hunter’s Eye Gouged by Stag During Escape

A stag facing death at the end of a rifle made a snap decision that saved his life—and opened a hunter’s eyes to the dangers of his “sport.”

VIDEO: Chained Bear Tormented at Illegal Hunting Training Facility in Russia
VIDEO: Chained Bear Tormented at Illegal Hunting Training Facility in Russia

See what happens at illegal hunting training stations in Russia in this shocking video of a brown bear held at one of these cruel facilities.

Dolan Fire Arsonist Conviction Shows California Cruelty Law Can Apply to Wildfire Arson
Dolan Fire Arsonist Conviction Shows California Cruelty Law Can Apply to Wildfire Arson

After hearing from PETA, a California prosecutor charged the Dolan fire arsonist with 12 counts of cruelty to animals.

Lion-Killing Physical Therapist From Missouri Lured Mopane From Hwange Park Using an Elephant Carcass (Report)
Lion-Killing Physical Therapist From Missouri Lured Mopane From Hwange Park Using an Elephant Carcass (Report)

In a murder hauntingly similar to Cecil’s, a Missouri physical therapist reportedly paid to lure Mopane from Hwange Park using an elephant carcass then maim and kill the beloved lion.

PETA Applauds Progress in South Africa as Officials Move to Protect Lions
PETA Applauds Progress in South Africa as Officials Move to Protect Lions

PETA, World Animal Protection, and other advocacy groups are recognizing the major progress being made for lions, who are used in South Africa’s trophy-hunting industry.

Fireworks Shortage Presents the Perfect Opportunity for Change
Animal Companions
Fireworks Shortage Presents the Perfect Opportunity for Change

Explosions in the air can be upsetting to veterans, small children, and anyone else with a sensitivity to loud sounds—but they’re often deadly to dogs and cats.

Thinking About Going Fishing With Dad on Father’s Day? Think Again.
Thinking About Going Fishing With Dad on Father’s Day? Think Again.

Fish feel pain, too! And if your family usually celebrates Father’s Day by accompanying Dad to the local fishing hole, this will help you start a kinder tradition.

Fox Cub’s Narrow Escape From Sticky Situation Shows Why Glue Traps Have Gotta Go
Fox Cub’s Narrow Escape From Sticky Situation Shows Why Glue Traps Have Gotta Go

Glue traps are indiscriminate killers! A baby fox nearly died after becoming stuck to one, and now, people around the world are calling for a ban on them.

PETA’s Titillating Tinder Test Proves Matches Prefer ‘Trash Fisher’ to Average Angler
PETA’s Titillating Tinder Test Proves Matches Prefer ‘Trash Fisher’ to Average Angler

Looking for love on the apps? PETA took to Tinder to see who would fare better with matches: an amateur angler or a “trash fishing” pro. Here’s what we learned.

Catch This: Here’s Why PETA Wants You to Go on a Fishing Excursion … for Trash
Catch This: Here’s Why PETA Wants You to Go on a Fishing Excursion … for Trash

Can fishing be kind to animals? Yes—if it involves hooking trash, not trout! Find out how you can take part in this fun, fish-friendly hobby.

Trophy Hunter Posts Grisly Photos With Giraffe’s Cut-Out Heart
Trophy Hunter Posts Grisly Photos With Giraffe’s Cut-Out Heart

A hunter who killed a giraffe posted selfies to FB showing her posing with the animal’s heart, calling it the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift.

PETA’s ‘Pants on Fire’ Awards—10 Companies That Deceive Consumers
PETA’s ‘Pants on Fire’ Awards—10 Companies That Deceive Consumers

These companies are master manipulators, but PETA’s turning up the heat on each and every one of them with this year’s “Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire” Awards.

You Won’t Believe These Horrifying Quotes From a PETA Investigator
You Won’t Believe These Horrifying Quotes From a PETA Investigator

Here’s the true story of a PETA investigator who bravely went undercover at an alligator farm to expose the animals’ suffering. You won’t believe this horrifying report.

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