No Matter Whether Victim Was a Dog or a Wolf, Amber Rose Barnes Is Still a Murderer
Animal Companions
No Matter Whether Victim Was a Dog or a Wolf, Amber Rose Barnes Is Still a Murderer

Amber Rose Barnes was proud of herself for killing a baby wolf—then she learned she’d actually killed a dog. Learn why there isn’t a difference.

Creepy, Crawly, and Cruel: Japanese Experimenters Are Making Cyborg Cockroaches
Creepy, Crawly, and Cruel: Japanese Experimenters Are Making Cyborg Cockroaches

A new video shows experimenters in Japan attempting to create cyborg cockroaches. These experiments teach the harmful lesson that certain animals don’t deserve compassion.

Video Taken at Lagoon in Mexico Serves as a Reminder to Leave Wildlife Alone
Video Taken at Lagoon in Mexico Serves as a Reminder to Leave Wildlife Alone

A horrifying video taken at a lagoon in Mexico is a grisly reminder of what can happen when humans disturb wild animals in their homes.

Shark Stabbed in Viral Video: Just the Tip of Florida’s Shark-Murder Iceberg
Shark Stabbed in Viral Video: Just the Tip of Florida’s Shark-Murder Iceberg

A horrific video of two men murdering a blacktip reef shark and a recent shark-killing contest are just the tip of the iceberg for Florida’s legalized shark torture.

The Killing of Freya the Walrus Is Another Reminder to Leave Wildlife Alone
The Killing of Freya the Walrus Is Another Reminder to Leave Wildlife Alone

Freya the walrus went viral for climbing onto boats to nap. Now, she’s dead. Why do humans think animals are selfie props?

PETA Fielded Calls From California to Canada to Help Animals This Summer
Animal Companions
PETA Fielded Calls From California to Canada to Help Animals This Summer

On an average day, PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department receives dozens of phone calls reporting cases of animal abuse. Here’s what happens next.

A Neighbor, Not a Nuisance: Getting the Facts on Opossums
A Neighbor, Not a Nuisance: Getting the Facts on Opossums

Did you know opossums almost never carry rabies? Learn why, along with other facts about America’s most populous marsupial.

How to Keep Birds From Colliding With Windows: Simple Tricks to Save Lives
How to Keep Birds From Colliding With Windows: Simple Tricks to Save Lives

Why do birds collide with glass? PETA explains why birds don’t see glass as a barrier and suggests simple solutions to make your home bird-friendly.

Woman Gored After Approaching Bison at Yellowstone
Woman Gored After Approaching Bison at Yellowstone

A woman approached a bison at Yellowstone National Park. What happened next is a cautionary tale about why you should leave wildlife alone.

Right On, Target! Company Ends Glue Trap Sales After Hearing From PETA
Right On, Target! Company Ends Glue Trap Sales After Hearing From PETA

By keeping vile glue traps off store shelves, Target is proving that it has a big heart for small animals.

What Is Mpox (Monkeypox)? Here’s What You Need to Know
What Is Mpox (Monkeypox)? Here’s What You Need to Know

When laboratories abduct our fellow primates from their forest homes to use them in cruel experiments, diseases like monkeypox can spread to human populations.

Shark Hung From School Rafters Prompts PETA Push for Empathy Lessons
Shark Hung From School Rafters Prompts PETA Push for Empathy Lessons

A group of high school students reportedly hung a dead shark from the rafters of their high school as an alleged “senior prank.” PETA’s urging empathy lessons.
Order the ‘Lone Star Tick Cookbook’ Today: Vegan ‘Bites’ That Don’t ‘Suck’ for Animals
Order the ‘Lone Star Tick Cookbook’ Today: Vegan ‘Bites’ That Don’t ‘Suck’ for Animals

The lone star tick’s bite transmits a molecule that can cause an allergic reaction to meat and dairy in humans—but whether you’ve been bitten or you’re just looking to ditch meat, PETA’s “Lone Star Tick Cookbook” is for you.

Go Fake for Bears’ Sake: PETA U.K. Showcases Revolutionary Fur-Free Guard’s Caps
Go Fake for Bears’ Sake: PETA U.K. Showcases Revolutionary Fur-Free Guard’s Caps

Will the Ministry of Defence go faux? PETA U.K. called for its high-performing faux–bear fur caps to be quick-marched into service at a meeting with members of Parliament.

Photos: These Grisly Photos Reveal the Bloodshed of Argentina’s Hunting Season
Photos: These Grisly Photos Reveal the Bloodshed of Argentina’s Hunting Season

These grisly photos reveal animals who were violently killed during Argentina’s hunting season. Speak out against hunting!

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