Help Us Catch YouTube Squirrel Killer and Get $15,000

The man who kicked a squirrel off a canyon cliff is probably just getting started.

Piglets Rescued: First Photos!

Pigs kept in deplorable conditions in North Carolina travel up the East Coast to find sanctuary at Poplar Spring.

Larry French
You Won’t Believe How Far People Will Go to Abuse Opossums

In the latest twist in the bizarre Opossum Drop saga, PETA is suing to overturn an absurd law designed specifically to allow the event organizers to terrorize opossums.

UPDATE: PETA Seeks Justice for Escaped Wolf-Dog Found Dead

After an escaped wolf-dog hybrid is found dead, PETA obtains evidence that suggests that the roadside zoo that owned her might have been able to save her life.

Want a ‘Pet’ Duck?

Before you add a duck to your family, please read this list.

Victory! Indian Supreme Court Bans Jallikattu, Bull Races, and Bull Fights

The Supreme Court of India has handed down a landmark judgment clarifying that bulls must not be used in bull races, bull fights, in any other performances.

Cloris Leachman to Retirement Communities: Be Kind to Seniors and Animals

She’s worked to help orcas and elephants, and now Cloris Leachman is aiming to be a big help to some small animals: birds.

Shunned Scouts Can Earn PETA’s Merit Badge

After the Boy Scouts of America blacklisted one troop for having a gay leader, PETA is offering the Scouts a chance to earn our “PETA Pride” merit badge.

Yes, These Turtles Are Still Alive

As the weather warms up, turtles are becoming increasingly mobile. If you see a turtle attempting to cross a road, lend a hand.

United Nations Court Tells Japan to Stop Killing Whales

Antarctic whales get a respite from being harpooned to death by Japanese whalers.

Watch: Thousands March for Lions

From Brussels to Auckland, thousands of people participate in the March for Lions to raise awareness about South Africa’s “fish in a barrel” hunting travesty.

©Bruce Jodar/Wildeye Photography
Outraged Scouts Say “Stop Rabbit Killing!”

After a Boy Scout leader bludgeoned and killed rabbits in front of his troop, PETA is calling for a policy change that will protect animals and kids from violence.

PETA’s Open Letter to Hunter Who Shot Photographer

After a hunter accidentally shot a photographer, PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk urged him to make this his last innocent victim by hanging up his guns.

Anjelica Huston’s Memoir Reveals Her Animal Advocacy Began on Family Fox Hunts

In A Story Lately Told, Oscar-winning animal advocate Anjelica Huston discusses her early qualms about her family’s hunting habits.

PETA Goes to Bat for Bats

“Reality” redneck and sham animal rescuer “Turtleman” flouts the law and treats fragile bats like disposable stage props.

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