Suffering and Death: What Instagram Doesn’t Show You About ‘Pig Beach’
Suffering and Death: What Instagram Doesn’t Show You About ‘Pig Beach’

This notorious Bahamian island is no paradise—it’s just another tourist trap that exploits animals for profit. Learn how you can be kind to animals when you travel.

Atlantic City Protects Sea Turtles From Plastic Balloons
Atlantic City Protects Sea Turtles From Plastic Balloons

Atlantic City, New Jersey, isn’t gambling with the safety of sea turtles and other marine animals.

Kangaroo Killer Sentenced to Jail in Landmark Decision
Kangaroo Killer Sentenced to Jail in Landmark Decision

In a groundbreaking court ruling, two men have been charged and one sentenced to 11 months in prison for the vicious killing of a kangaroo.

Help Now! Ask Arcadia City Council to Say NO to Killing Coyotes
Help Now! Ask Arcadia City Council to Say NO to Killing Coyotes

Going against wildlife experts, local residents, and even the city’s own mayor, the city council in Arcadia, California, voted to trap and kill coyotes. PETA needs your help to stop this.

Wait—Animals Have Heads? Shut the Duck Up!
Wait—Animals Have Heads? Shut the Duck Up!

A viral image of a dead duck’s head should obviously remind folks that ALL animals had heads—and hearts and feelings—when they were alive.

Woman Thrown by an Elephant Reveals the Dangers of Encounters
Woman Thrown by an Elephant Reveals the Dangers of Encounters

For everyone’s sake, let’s hope “elephlying” doesn’t take off as a cultural phenomenon.

© pingamage
The Top 5 Dumbest Things That Hunters Did This Winter
The Top 5 Dumbest Things That Hunters Did This Winter

These people make Dick Cheney look like Plato.

3 Men Arrested After Alleged Attack on Heroic Veteran and Turtle
3 Men Arrested After Alleged Attack on Heroic Veteran and Turtle

People who abuse animals often move on to their fellow humans, as this story shows.

Howling Mad Protesters Tell Arcadia to Cancel Coyote-Trapping Plan
Howling Mad Protesters Tell Arcadia to Cancel Coyote-Trapping Plan

PETA continues to offer the city humane coyote-management solutions.

Watch as This Shark Delivers Good Ol’ Karma to Selfie-Taking Tourist
Watch as This Shark Delivers Good Ol’ Karma to Selfie-Taking Tourist

Finally, one of these selfish, selfie-taking tourists gets what’s coming to her.

© Sashi Ono
Protect Bald Eagles: Speak Out Against Steel-Jaw Traps!
Protect Bald Eagles: Speak Out Against Steel-Jaw Traps!

Eagles face a number of hazards made by humans, and although their populations have increased in recent decades, thanks to their protected status, none should be made to suffer in steel-jaw traps

Stranded Whale off Norway’s Coast Had Swallowed 30 Plastic Bags
Stranded Whale off Norway’s Coast Had Swallowed 30 Plastic Bags

Bleak photos from the scene shine a light on the extent to which plastic waste is polluting the world’s oceans.

Dolphin Reportedly Left to Die on Beach While Crowd Takes Photos
Dolphin Reportedly Left to Die on Beach While Crowd Takes Photos

Human vanity may have killed yet another animal because of ritualistic “selfies.”

© Studio
Poachers Who Swam After and Stabbed Deer Reveal What Hunting Really Is
Poachers Who Swam After and Stabbed Deer Reveal What Hunting Really Is

Authorities called it an “apparent poaching incident.” But if you can actually stomach this video, you’ll see that phrase doesn’t come close to capturing such malice.

Was This Orca Born Before World War I?
Was This Orca Born Before World War I?

The orca matriarch known as Granny has died.

© Clint 'Showtime' Rivers, Eagle Wing Tours
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