Boar Killers Get Schooled

PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk donates a valuable family heirloom to save boars from being culled.

United Nations Court Tells Japan to Stop Killing Whales

Antarctic whales get a respite from being harpooned to death by Japanese whalers.

Watch: Thousands March for Lions

From Brussels to Auckland, thousands of people participate in the March for Lions to raise awareness about South Africa’s “fish in a barrel” hunting travesty.

©Bruce Jodar/Wildeye Photography
PETA’s Open Letter to Hunter Who Shot Photographer

After a hunter accidentally shot a photographer, PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk urged him to make this his last innocent victim by hanging up his guns.

Anjelica Huston’s Memoir Reveals Her Animal Advocacy Began on Family Fox Hunts

In A Story Lately Told, Oscar-winning animal advocate Anjelica Huston discusses her early qualms about her family’s hunting habits.

Hollywood Heavyweights Petition Obama to Help End Dolphin Slaughter

A new petition against the Taiji dolphin slaughter is headed to the White House—and it reads like a list of “who’s who” in entertainment.

© Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Hunters Watch Out: PETA’s Drones Are Flying

Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird & it’s a plane & it’s a PETA Air Angel!

Don’t Buck Safety—Tips to Avoid Deer-Vehicle Collisions

When deer are trying to outrun hunters, things can get dicey for drivers. Read on to learn how you can keep your family safe.

Animal Groups Unite Against Show That Broadcast Live Animal Deaths

A show that filmed exotic animals being gunned down has breathed its last breath.

Gored Utah Man Finds Out That Payback Really Is Hell

PETA plans to place a “Payback Is Hell” billboard in Utah after local hunter gores himself on a victim.

Hunter Who Started Rim Fire Should Be Charged With Cruelty

A hunter started the fire that destroyed nearly 400 square miles in and around Yosemite and likely killed countless animals, so PETA is pushing for felony charges.

Video: Watch Ultra-Cute ‘Grudge Match’ Between Rescued Dog and Kitten

Anna is looking for a fresh start. This gorgeous dog was found on a road in rural Virginia.

Does This Trap Look ‘Humane’ to You?

It was late at night, and the homeowner heard a cat howling in agony. He went outside to investigate and realized that the trap that had been set by a “nuisance”-wildlife trapper for a groundhog had snared a different victim. When Paulette Dean, the executive director of southern Virginia’s Danville Area Humane Society, got the … Read more »

Dog Clings to Top of Crate in Bed of Speeding Pickup Truck

A driver in southern Georgia was shocked when she spotted a pitiful-looking dog hanging on for dear life to the top of a crate in the back of a pickup truck that was careening down the interstate. A heavy chain around the animal’s neck that was hooked to the top of the crate looked as … Read more »

Hunter Ditches Dog but Wants Collar Back

Two PETA staffers were delivering straw bedding to cold “outdoor dogs” in rural Virginia when they spotted a thin young beagle dangerously close to the highway.

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