Hunters’ Attempts to Troll PETA Backfire Big Time
Hunters’ Attempts to Troll PETA Backfire Big Time

Hunters who thought they were “trolling” PETA ended up increasing support for the animal rights group instead.

Why Trophy Hunters Are Livid with Canada Right Now
Why Trophy Hunters Are Livid with Canada Right Now

Hunting is killing for fun, plain and simple.

After Cecil the Lion’s Son Is Killed, Jim Jefferies Destroys Hunting
After Cecil the Lion’s Son Is Killed, Jim Jefferies Destroys Hunting

Jefferies spent roughly seven minutes completely destroying hunting in general and trophy hunting, in particular.

The Jim Jefferies Show | Comedy Central
Killer Barely Even Fined: Why Our Laws Must Change to Protect Wolves
Killer Barely Even Fined: Why Our Laws Must Change to Protect Wolves

A Wyoming man tormented and killed a wolf—and it was legal. PETA shares the disturbing details, reveals related law updates, and highlights Yellowstone wolves.

Shot Elephant Falls on Trophy Hunter, Killing Him
Shot Elephant Falls on Trophy Hunter, Killing Him

It looks as though the elephant was trying to protect her family members when she was shot.

Human Remains Indicate That Crocodiles Ate This Trophy Hunter
Human Remains Indicate That Crocodiles Ate This Trophy Hunter

Hunting is dangerous for everyone involved.

Las Vegas Community Rocked by Fatal Shooting of Swan
Las Vegas Community Rocked by Fatal Shooting of Swan

This isn’t the first time that something like this has happened in the Desert Shores community of Las Vegas. Help find the person or persons responsible.

23 Examples of Euphemisms About Animals
23 Examples of Euphemisms About Animals

There are many examples of euphemisms that make animal abuse sound pleasant. Now, PETA is here to help update your thesaurus.

Canada Is Losing Another Excuse Used to Defend Seal Slaughter
Canada Is Losing Another Excuse Used to Defend Seal Slaughter

A Canadian scientist isn’t convinced that seals are hurting cod populations, as fishers—many of whom kill seals in their off-season—claim.

©Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Rhino in French Zoo Shot Dead by Poachers for His Horn
Rhino in French Zoo Shot Dead by Poachers for His Horn

Vince, a white rhinoceros, was killed in a zoo enclosure Monday night. Poachers sawed off one of his horns after shooting him in the head.

The Top 5 Dumbest Things That Hunters Did This Winter
The Top 5 Dumbest Things That Hunters Did This Winter

These people make Dick Cheney look like Plato.

Protect Bald Eagles: Speak Out Against Steel-Jaw Traps!
Protect Bald Eagles: Speak Out Against Steel-Jaw Traps!

Eagles face a number of hazards made by humans, and although their populations have increased in recent decades, thanks to their protected status, none should be made to suffer in steel-jaw traps

Poachers Who Swam After and Stabbed Deer Reveal What Hunting Really Is
Poachers Who Swam After and Stabbed Deer Reveal What Hunting Really Is

Authorities called it an “apparent poaching incident.” But if you can actually stomach this video, you’ll see that phrase doesn’t come close to capturing such malice.

Man Who Punched Kangaroo Being Investigated
Man Who Punched Kangaroo Being Investigated

The RSPCA are investigating after a video of a man punching a kangaroo recently went viral.

New Bipartisan Law Equates Poaching With Drug and Weapon Trafficking
New Bipartisan Law Equates Poaching With Drug and Weapon Trafficking

With the Eliminate, Neutralize, and Disrupt Wildlife Trafficking Act, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Ed Royce (R-CA) aims to save wildlife.

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