8 Things You Need to Know About Canada’s Seal Slaughter

The Canadian sealing community is trying desperately to discredit the animal advocates who are speaking out against it. But the facts don’t lie.

© Sea Shephard Conservation Society
India Bans Seal Fur, Further Crushing Seal Slaughter

With practically no market left for seal fur and other seal-derived items, the Canadian seal slaughter’s days are numbered.

From L.A. to D.C., PETA Activists March for Our Lives to End Gun Violence

PETA supporters marched in solidarity with and in support of all the victims of gun violence at March for Our Lives events across the country.

UPDATE: Lion-Killer Dentist Caused Cecil to Suffer for Up to 12 Hours

To hunters like Walter Palmer, beloved wild animals are merely targets to kill, decapitate, and hang up on a wall as a trophy.

Meet Zimbabwe’s First All-Female, Combat-Trained Anti-Poaching Unit

Talk about heroes. These women—many of them single mothers—are working to protect and save their community’s wildlife.

Lions Turn the Tables, Eat Probable Hunter

Authorities discovered the remains of a man’s body. Lying next to it were a hunting rifle and ammunition.

© iStock.com/GlobalP
Outdoor Channel Under Fire Over Host’s Cruel Canned Hunting Ranch

PETA is calling on the network to pull “Deadliest Hunts.”

© iStock.com/chonchit
Elephants Have a Remarkable Start to 2018 as China Bans Ivory Sales

Experts believe that 70 percent of all ivory eventually finds its way to China.

5 Times Animal Superheroes Rushed In and Saved Human Lives

From the lions who saved a girl from kidnappers to the porpoises who rescued a beloved actor, these animals displayed their courage and compassion.

© iStock.com/Francois6
Help PETA Stick It to Hunters in the Funniest Way Possible

Tired of seeing photos of insecure, gun-wielding camo-wearers as they stand over dead animals? Let’s show them how real men and women hunt.

Predictably, Las Vegas Shooter Had a History of Violence to Animals

As our nation recoils from the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, disturbing but familiar details are emerging about the shooter, Stephen Paddock.

Hunter Kills Animal Companion Just Feet Away From Her Guardian

“I held her and I told her to go, just go, and she died.”

Valeria Calderoni | YouTube
Bear Knocks Gun Out of Hunter’s Hand, Leaves Him With 16-Inch Gash

It’s hard not to root for an animal who is only trying to save his own life from a hunter who wants to take it for fun and entertainment.

© iStock.com/james Anderson
Hunters’ Attempts to Troll PETA Backfire Big Time

Hunters who thought they were “trolling” PETA ended up increasing support for the animal rights group instead.

Why Trophy Hunters Are Livid with Canada Right Now

Hunting is killing for fun, plain and simple.

© iStock.com/AndreAnita
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