British Tourists Massacre 500 Monkeys
British Tourists Massacre 500 Monkeys

In recent years, tourists have brought hundreds of dead primates and their body parts back to the UK as “trophies” from hunting trips.

People Etch Their Names Into Elderly Rhinoceros’s Back
People Etch Their Names Into Elderly Rhinoceros’s Back

Does it really need to be expressly stated that animals shouldn’t be treated like chalkboards?

Paralyzed Animals, Cubs in Freezer Uncovered at Captive Big-Cat Ranch
Paralyzed Animals, Cubs in Freezer Uncovered at Captive Big-Cat Ranch

Officials find big cats and cubs paralyzed, jerking, dead in a freezer, and suffering from mange at a facility likely part of the wildlife tourism industry.

© Conservation Action Trust
Disturbing Photo Shows Elephant Hacked Apart With Chainsaws by Hunters
Disturbing Photo Shows Elephant Hacked Apart With Chainsaws by Hunters

A drone camera has captured a disturbing image of the hunting crisis: Lying dead on the ground in Botswana is an elephant cut apart for ivory by hunters’ chainsaws.

Trophy Hunter Darren Carter Disowned by His Daughter in Viral Video
Trophy Hunter Darren Carter Disowned by His Daughter in Viral Video

In a brave video, Sydney Carter tells her estranged father, “[K]nowing you trophy hunt beautiful animals like lions who are slowly getting endangered is just, it’s too much.”

Poachers Arrested After They Post Pictures of Mountain Lion Kill Online
Poachers Arrested After They Post Pictures of Mountain Lion Kill Online

The social media trail made it easy for authorities to track down three Montana men who shot a mountain lion a reported eight times before finally killing him.

Trophy Hunter Turned Rare Black Giraffe Into Pillows and a Gun Case
Trophy Hunter Turned Rare Black Giraffe Into Pillows and a Gun Case

In a rambling, grasping explanation, Tess Talley finally blurted out, “I’m not a conservationist—I’m a hunter.” For once, we’re in complete agreement.

#BoycottJimmyJohns Goes Viral on Twitter After CEO’s Hunting Obsession Exposed
#BoycottJimmyJohns Goes Viral on Twitter After CEO’s Hunting Obsession Exposed

It only took one tweet to remind the Twitterverse of Jimmy John Liautaud’s twisted obsession with murdering large animals for “sport.”

Hunter Who Gunned Down 5,000 Elephants Brags About ‘Thrill’
Hunter Who Gunned Down 5,000 Elephants Brags About ‘Thrill’

At least one trophy hunter, it seems, is owning up to the truth: Killing gives him a “great thrill,” and he “didn’t have any sentiment.”

Trophy Hunting Horror: Rhino Poacher Crushed by Elephant, Eaten by Lions
Trophy Hunting Horror: Rhino Poacher Crushed by Elephant, Eaten by Lions

The gory end to this poacher’s life is a somber reminder that hunting and killing another living being will always end in tragedy.

Exposed: A Canada Goose Rep Threatened Ad Agency, Got PETA’s Ads Pulled
Exposed: A Canada Goose Rep Threatened Ad Agency, Got PETA’s Ads Pulled

A Canada Goose representative told Astral Media, “CG has spent quite a bit of money with Astral over the past year or so …. Is there anything that can be done here?”

Update: Turkey Illegally Released by Hunters Is Headed to a Sanctuary
Update: Turkey Illegally Released by Hunters Is Headed to a Sanctuary

Tabitha is one savvy turkey, but after a month, she was finally captured by a small group of kind volunteers that included a PETA supporter.

Mary delaValette
Hunters Throw Dogs Down Wells, Tie Them to Railway Lines
Hunters Throw Dogs Down Wells, Tie Them to Railway Lines

Hunters reportedly leave tens of thousands of dogs for dead after hunting season is over so that they don’t have to pay to feed them.

Another Rare Animal Killed by Wealthy American Trophy Hunter
Another Rare Animal Killed by Wealthy American Trophy Hunter

The animal was sitting next to his companion when he was shot and killed for fun by a Texas trophy hunter.

Animals Win! Colombia Bans ‘Sport’ Hunting
Animals Win! Colombia Bans ‘Sport’ Hunting

“Animals are not things, they are beings with feelings.” —Magistrate Antonio Jose Lizarazo

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