Pirates of the Carob Bean!

I’m sure the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is going to be pretty great and all, but do they let you choose how the story ends? I didn’t think so. And it probably doesn’t even have a talking British monkey in it. Fortunately, PETA has come to the rescue again, and, with the new … Read more »

Save Chicago’s Ban on Foie Gras

If you live in Chicago, this is especially important for you, because Mayor Richard Daley and Alderman Ed Burke are working hard to repeal one of the most important animal protection laws ever passed, the Chicago foie gras ban. Meat-industry lobbyists are putting enormous pressure on Chicago’s aldermen to repeal the law, and the aldermen … Read more »

Why Betts Should Start for the Skins This Season

Ladell Betts: Badass I’m no football expert, and this isn’t exactly a sports blog, but I thought I’d start off the day with three great reasons why Ladell Betts should start instead of Clinton Portis as the Washington Redskins Running Back this year: Ladell Betts doesn’t have a chronic shoulder injury. Ladell Betts knows how … Read more »

Dry Cleaners Refuses Fur and Leather

I’m not sure how many people heard about the “Compassionate Business” Award that PETA gave Mark Mayes, owner of Monte Carlo Cleaners in Scottsdale, AZ, last week, so I wanted to mention it here. Mark received the award for instituting a unique policy of refusing to accept items made of leather, fur and angora rabbit … Read more »

It’s Sexy Vegetarian Time Again!

The voting has officially opened. Last year, Veronica Mars’ Kristen Bell took home the coveted prize of World’s Sexiest Female Vegetarian, and Prince beat out some of the best-looking dudes in Hollywood to win the award for the guys. According to my source over in our Vegetarian Campaigns department, Heroes star Milo Ventimiglia has taken … Read more »

Shocking Investigation at a Turkey Slaughterhouse

Mercy for Animals, an animal rights group based in Ohio, has just released video footage of an undercover investigation into a House of Raeford Farms slaughterhouse in North Carolina. House of Raeford Farms, which is one of the biggest turkey processors in the country and supplies companies such as Denny’s and Arby’s, turned 250 million … Read more »

What Should Your Dog Wear to the Next KFC demo?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if hundreds of dogs took over a brewpub? Well, people in Portland, OR, found out yesterday, at the annual Portland “Pug Crawl”, a benefit for the Oregon Humane Society. The event was basically a traditional pub crawl, but dogs were invited along as well. Cute Overload … Read more »

PETA’s April Fools Day Joke a Hit With Hunters

Well, in case anyone caught yesterday’s post about the camouflaged deer, you will probably have guessed by now that it was a little bit of April Fools shenanigans at the expense of some poor, unsuspecting hunters. I left the bait on a number of different hunting and fishing message boards in the morning, and by … Read more »

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