The World’s First Hunting Accident

OK, so it’s no secret how I feel about hunting. But I just couldn’t resist this one. It seems that from the start, hunters have had trouble not shooting each other with their weapons . . . could it be that this was the world’s first hunting accident?  

Vick Sets His Sights on Deer

I hadn’t been planning on writing too much more about Michael Vick, given that most people are on the same page that dogfighting is reprehensible and that if Vick is found to have any involvement in the sport—which is looking more and more likely—he needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. … Read more »

Vegan Fashion

Check out this great Boston Globe article about the growth of vegan fashion. While I’m not exactly what one would call an expert in the field, it’s great to see so many companies recognizing that there is a huge market out there just waiting to be tapped. And you know the market is there when … Read more »

California Healthy Pets Act Passes Assembly

I know I’ve been going on and on about this, so I wanted to give you guys the good news. It’s not over yet, but the California Healthy Pets Act has passed the Assembly, and is on its way to the State Senate Committee! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to push the bill … Read more »

British Artist Eats a Dog to Protest Fox Hunting

This little stunt was, in my opinion, absolutely inspired. A couple of disclaimers before I embark on this, because I have a suspicion that it might create just a little bit of controversy: 1) The dog died of natural causes. 2) The artist is normally a vegetarian. OK, here we go: A British performance artist … Read more »

Senator Reid: Give Vegetarians a Break
LSU Just Doesn’t Get It

Dmuth/Creative Commons It’s incredibly frustrating dealing with these people. The point is a relatively simple one: In captivity, big cats are denied everything that is natural and important to them—companionship for one, not to mention the opportunity to run, climb, hunt, and establish their territory. But officials at LSU, who have insisted on replacing their … Read more »

A Complete Time Waster

Have you seen the Tom Jones inspired cat memory game that’s making its way around the interweb this week? I hate to even blog about it, but what can I say, I’m obsessed. If you have a spare minute or two, see if you can beat me; I got to level 12. But I warn … Read more »

Chicago Tribune on the Animal Rights Movement

There was a fantastic feature article in The Chicago Tribune Magazine this weekend about the animal rights movement, with the premise that as times change, tactics change, but the message remains the same. It’s always great to see animal rights get thoughtful mainstream coverage that’s free of rhetoric, and this article will hopefully introduce a … Read more »

Alicia Silverstone Rocks “The View”

What can I say, Alicia Silverstone is amazing. She never misses an opportunity to talk about veganism and animal rights. I think she might have just won my vote in our “World’s Sexiest Vegetarian” contest. Check it out here.

Connecticut Prison Significantly Lowers Morale

This one’s just so depressing, I don’t even really know what to do with it. The story, so far, has gone a little bit like this: ROBINSON CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION: FYI, inmates—the woodchucks that frolic outside your cells will be exterminated this weekend. INMATES: But those woodchucks are the only things that bring us joy in … Read more »

PETA Offers Free Animal Sensitivity Training to NFL

This Michael Vick dogfighting scandal is just not going away, and now that Clinton Portis has decided to shove his oar in, things are starting to get really heated. In an effort to help the well-intentioned folks in the NFL’s upper echelons deal with the PR fallout from the whole nasty business, we’ve sent them … Read more »

Human Glue Traps at Home Depot

Our Campaigns Department has an uncanny way of turning a wild idea into a reality. Someone said the magic words “Human Glue Trap” in a brainstorming meeting, and, lo and behold, we’ve got two or three of the suckers ready to go. A few brave activists helped to put pressure on Home Depot to stop … Read more »

Nugget Has a Posse

Anyone down with Shepard Fairey art will appreciate this contribution from Stuart from Maine. Our “Not a Nugget” chick (named, oddly enough, “Nugget”) has shown up in some pretty crazy places, but this has to be my favorite so far. What can I say, the nugget has a posse . . .

Kevin Nealon Talks Kangaroos

We caught up with Weeds star Kevin Nealon last week to shoot a little PSA in our veggie testimonial series, in which vegetarian celebrities talk about what got them to make the switch to a meatless diet. At the end of the shoot, Kevin wanted to take a few moments to talk about the ridiculous … Read more »

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