22 Charges Filed Based on PETA Investigation at Hormel Supplier

It’s with a proud and ecstatic heart that I report this news today! Our investigation into an Iowa pig farm that breeds piglets destined for Hormel has resulted in 22—that’s right, count them—22 criminal charges. The Greene County Sheriff just announced in a news release that six individuals employed by the farm at the time … Read more »

Raccoon Dogs: A No-Win Situation

Raccoon Dog Pupskathyannepippig / CC I don’t know about you, but before last year, all I knew about melamine was that it was used to make a hard resin for shatter-resistant kitchenware and floor laminates. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous companies in China found another use for it—adding it to foods to make them appear to have … Read more »

Retailers Baaaand Together to Help Sheep

sheep101 / CC Yesterday, PETA sent a letter to the Australian wool industry on behalf of numerous major clothing retailers—including Gap, Liz Claiborne, Nordstrom, Haggar Clothing, Coppley Apparel, Austin Reed, Carter’s, C&A Europe, Bestseller A/S, and Matalan Retail Limited—encouraging the addition of a “clip mulesing” tick box to the industry’s new nonmulesed-certification form. In addition, … Read more »

‘The L Word’ Star and the F-Word

askmen / CC The latest edition of Curve Magazine features the gorgeous Mia Kirshner in something that looks suspiciously furry. But fear not! For no, that’s not a fox carcass strewn across her lovely shoulders; it’s merely a convincing imposter. Thankfully, both Mia (aka Jenny Schector of HBO’s The L Word) and the editors of … Read more »

Pink Wants a Royal Flush of Animal Cruelty

smh / CC Hasn’t anyone ever told the Royal family that it’s highly impolite not to answer letters? Lucky for animals, the beautiful, talented, and outspoken Pink is not discouraged that the Royals have failed to respond to her—not once, but twice! Attempt 1: Five years ago, the longtime PETA supporter turned down an invitation … Read more »

$86,000 in Taxpayer Money for a Hunting Trip?!

wikimedia / CC Whoops-a-daisy, AIG. Looks like the insurance giant has been making a couple of teensy-weensy billion-dollar mistakes lately! Let’s see. First, American International Group (AIG) received $85 billion from the Federal Reserve last month in order to stay afloat … and then they reportedly treated their top agents to a $440,000 week at … Read more »

Dear Brett Favre: Please Retire From Hunting. Love, PETA.

blacksportsonline / CC Retired/unretired/whatever NFL quarterback Brett Favre isn’t just killing his team with big-game interceptions anymore! Now he’s moved on to killing animals for fun in a pathetic attempt at a locker room “prank.” According to the New York Times, Favre, who is “notorious for shenanigans involving lockers,” is reported to have “shot (presumably), … Read more »

Along Came a Vegetarian Spider …

According to Science News magazine, researchers have discovered the first known vegetarian spider in Mexico. A jumping spider who dwells and dines in acacia trees, Bagheera kiplingi (Kip, to his friends) is a fly guy who passes on the usual bug buffet for leafy snacks snatched from neighboring ants. That’s right—Kip is an itsy-bitsy pickpocket. … Read more »

Humans Shoot Themselves in Mouse Fight

bp3 / CC In an act of epic failure and cruelty, a Mendocino County, California, woman tried to handle the mouse problem in her trailer with a .44-caliber Magnum. The result: two injured people and several snickering mice. Beyond her heavy-caliber lack of compassion for not realizing that mice can be controlled humanely (like, without … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Here’s what Jeff says about this week’s masterpiece: “The strip is based on the sad measures that officials have to take in order to protect rhinos from poachers. And a little depravity thrown in for good measure.” He also let me know that, in honor of Earth Week, he sprayed this strip with 50 percent … Read more »

Middle Schoolers Encouraged to Kill Animals

At a middle school in Tiny Poplar, Wisconsin, a science teacher is encouraging his kids to shoot animals in the area and share stories of “the kill” with the rest of the class. If the kids eat the dead creatures, they’re allowed to post pictures of their accomplishment on a bulletin board in the classroom. … Read more »

Charlton Heston Dies

In case any of you missed it, actor and gun-enthusiast Charlton Heston died over the weekend. So anyone who’s been patiently waiting in line to try and pry the guns from his cold, dead hands can go ahead and do so now. While part of me is sad to see one of my childhood heroes … Read more »

The Truth About Fox Penning

Fox News Atlanta is currently airing an investigation into the hideous practice of fox penning, in which animals—usually foxes, wildcats, or coyotes—are chased, cornered, and torn to shreds by hunting dogs. Penning events can last up to several days, with the hunters leaving the fenced-in area so that the dogs can “exercise.” You can watch … Read more »

Bad Time to be a Hunter

Hunting has been on the decline for years, and CNN just reported that the latest numbers are that it’s down another 10% over the last ten years. Hunting in the water, err, I mean fishing, is also down around 15%. And call me crazy, but I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that while hunting and … Read more »

A Hunting Rove Will Go . . . Shocker

It’s no secret that Karl Rove is no friend of animals. And given the current state of affairs, I guess it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Dubya’s bag man plans to spend the days immediately following his resignation literally blowing the international symbol of peace into oblivion. That is, he’s going dove hunting. … Read more »

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