Merci, Madame Bruni-Sarkozy

Did you hear that? It was the collective sigh of relief from raccoons, foxes, and minks—as well as human fur foes everywhere. It turns out that France’s first lady and international style icon Carla Bruni-Sarkozy refuses to wear fur.   marieclaire / CC   PETA Vice President Dan Mathews contacted Bruni-Sarkozy after seeing photos that … Read more »

Saturday Morning TV Turns Violent

  destination360 / CC Somewhere between the golden cartoon age of Bugs Bunny and the pop-centric youth culture of Hannah Montana, a few television networks thought it would be a grand idea to start airing fishing and hunting shows on Saturday mornings—during that crucial time slot when impressionable children in pajamas slurp soymilk from bowls … Read more »

Wal-Mart Charged With Cruelty

greece / CC Yes, you read that right. The manager of a Wal-Mart store in Hamilton Township, New Jersey, (along with an exterminator) was charged with cruelty to animals for setting traps for birds who fly into the store and allegedly failing to checking the traps for days on end, causing birds to die of … Read more »

‘Slither’ Me Timbers! There’re Snakes in This Here Duck Blind

greglasley / CC While the Western cottonmouth usually preys on small warm-blooded animals, this spring, during mating season, these venomous snakes may be going after a different type of quarry: small-minded, cold-blooded Missouri duck hunters. Rumor has it that water blinds (duck hunters’ huts that are camouflaged to look like the water) in Oregon, Howell, … Read more »

Turning Kids Into Killers

wildlifedepartment / CC Hopefully, young hunters such as this one will be banned from hunting in Pennsylvania. Last Friday, an 11-year-old Wampum, Pennsylvania, boy allegedly picked up his youth-model 20-gauge shotgun and shot his father’s pregnant girlfriend as she slept. The boy, Jordan Brown, had received the gun as a Christmas gift from his father, … Read more »

Ambulances and Homeland Security … Just Another PETA Demo

When we found out that Safari Club International, the largest big-game hunting organization in the world, would be in Reno, Nevada, on the same day as our anti-fur demonstrators, we figured that we’d be facing a tough crowd. Our fearless crusaders nevertheless showed up bright and early to let people know that animals caught in … Read more »

Fur Wearers, Beware!

‘Tis the season to fight fur full-force, and our unstoppable campaigners have been doing just that. They took their eye-catching demos to cities across the Pacific Northwest to show folks the fur industry’s horrific practices.   Campaigners in Seattle show the agony animals trapped for fur go through   Animals are left to languish in … Read more »

Palin’s Mini-Maverick Grandson Receives PETA Surprise

farm2 / CC Ah, the Palins. One endless reservoir of public mishaps and cavalier insensitivity toward animals. They provide all the cathartic benefits of reality TV, minus the guilt of feeling shallow, since it’s on CNN. Well, in an effort to help safeguard the innocence of youth against merciless animal slaughter, we’ve sent the newest … Read more »

Cozying Up With a Rising Star of ‘Whale Wars’

seashepherd / CC We’re just happy as clams that our roll dogs in the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society are rocketing to stardom on Animal Planet’s new show Whale Wars. I, personally, watch week after week—heart pumping, cheering like it’s Monday night football! Well, just in case you were wondering what makes these selfless warriors tick, … Read more »

Hunting Contributes to Highway Deaths

pbase / CC A new report by the auto insurance–funded Highway Loss Data Institute finds that fatalities in collisions between vehicles and animals—mostly deer—have more than doubled in the last 15 years. Hunters are undoubtedly tripping all over themselves in the hope of using this to rationalize killing even more animals—but we believe that the … Read more »

Keep Kids Away From Hunting Rifles

forestwildlife / CC Murder is frightening business, but it is even more chilling perhaps when the crime is allegedly committed by a child who is not even old enough to grasp the consequences of the deed. Vincent Romero and Timothy Romans of Arizona were reportedly killed by Romero’s 8-year-old son using a rifle much like … Read more »

We Can’t Wait for ‘Whale Wars’!

ecorazzi / CC Are you as excited as we are about this?! Following up a string of victories for animals this week, a new TV series is coming to keep the party goin’! Whale Wars is the newest reality show from Animal Planet, and it features none other than our favorite sibling on the high … Read more »

10% Wool by Jeff Corriveau

Change was a hot topic this election, but we all need to remember the millions of animals whose lives will stay the same even though the election is over—unless we all do a lot of hard work. Breeders and pet shops will continue to contribute to the tragedy of dog and cat overpopulation—just to make … Read more »

Thirty-Two Bison Reportedly Found Dead in Executive’s Back Yard

imagesofcolorado / CC So, the president and CEO of Seattle-based Attachmate has found himself knee-deep in bison dung. No, really! Software executive Jeff Hawn apparently warned the neighbors of his Colorado home to keep the bison off his property or else … and he meant it. According to CNN, Jeff alleged in a lawsuit that … Read more »

Killing Bambi Might Kill Your Mojo

A new CNN article warning hunters against overexertion has renewed our most genuine concern over the sadly impaired genitalia of hunters. It seems the lack of sportsmanship involved in hunting (i.e., lounging around like couch potatoes with sophisticated weaponry for the short-lived murderous thrill of killing a defenseless creature) can be very exerting. Apparently, there’s … Read more »

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