PETA to Obama: Stop Hunting Justification in Gun Control Debate

sierrasportsman | cc by 2.0  As President Barack Obama prepares to release his blueprint for addressing gun violence in the wake of last month’s killings of 26 children and educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School, PETA has sent him a letter, copying Vice President Joe Biden, with a simple request: Stop pointing to hunting as an example … Read more »

Paul Ryan Gets Bad Dad Award

The Father of the Year Awards aren’t until May, but Rep. Paul Ryan needn’t hold his breath: PETA has just named Ryan our Bad Dad of 2012, and we’re sending him a certificate of dishonor: Ryan is catching heat for having his 10-year-old daughter pack heat and gun down a deer who was posing a … Read more »

PETA Rushes to Help Raccoon in Steel-Jaw Trap

Steel-jaw traps don’t discriminate—they’ll snap their sharp metal teeth shut on the limb of anyone who is unfortunate enough to step on them. A raccoon in Portsmouth, Virginia, was one recent victim. The innocent raccoon was scurrying through the grass in a quiet neighborhood when he suddenly collapsed, his body racked with pain. As the … Read more »

PETA Urges Hudson News to Hide Hunting Magazines From Kids

If children aren’t mature enough to see nude human bodies, are they really mature enough to see people killing for “fun”? PETA has written to the CEO of Hudson News, Joseph DiDomizio, to request that his retail outlets handle hunting magazines in the same way that they would handle any other material that is inappropriate … Read more »

Looking at a Hunter’s Heart of Darkness

I’m sure you won’t be surprised to learn that PETA opposes hunting. After all, it’s a no-brainer: Chasing and shooting animals (with a gun or a bow and arrow) causes terror. Mates grieve, young animals can starve when their mothers are killed, and hunting leaves wounded but unrecovered animals to die slowly and wretchedly from … Read more »

Trumps’ African Hunt Under Investigation

Update: Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump’s hideous African hunting trip is under investigation by Zimbabwean authorities. Among the potential problems noted by the Zimbabwean Conservation Task Force were the following: The brothers may have illegally used dogs to kill an endangered leopard, the South African safari firm they used was not registered to hunt … Read more »

Photo: Person Snared in a Steel-Jaw Trap

Photo of the Day Passersby outside a fur store in Toledo, Ohio, agreed that when the trap is on the other foot, fur looks really gruesome. As our re-enactor did an excellent job of portraying an animal writhing in agony and trying to escape a lethal steel-jaw trap, the fur store owners stayed hidden inside … Read more »

William and Harry’s ‘Secret’ Hunting Trip

© The young royals are a delight to behold – such good ambassadors for the United Kingdom with their gleaming white smiles, perfect posture and impeccably tailored clothes. But, like a horror film in which the beguiling love interest strips off his mask to reveal an alien monster’s face beneath, the young royal’s beauty … Read more »

Rescue for Squirrel Snared in Steel-Jaw Trap

As if we needed another reason why steel-jaw traps should be banned outright, PETA received a call about a man in Georgia using the cruel devices to injure squirrels who approached his pecan tree. A distraught neighbor called PETA when she saw a squirrel fall victim to one such trap that the man had set … Read more »

2011’s Top Five ‘Payback Is Hell’ Moments

It’s the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In the case of animal abusers, every so often they get done unto them just as they do. Here are this year’s best stories in which the Golden Rule put its game face on:  Leg photo © Perry  Shark … Read more »

Hunting Dog Left for Dead in a Ditch

While heading out to pick up and transport animals belonging to low-income residents for spay-and-neuter surgeries at one of PETA’s mobile clinics, a PETA Community Animal Project fieldworker spotted a truck driver attempting to drag something out of a ditch on the side of a busy highway. Our staffer pulled over to make sure that … Read more »

‘Celeb’ Hunter Busted for Cruelty

Ducks and geese in North America are a bit safer, now that “celebrity” hunter Jeff Foiles has been banned from hunting for three years in Canada and two in the U.S. following convictions for cruelty to animals. Foiles, who sells videos of his hunts online, was reportedly seen in one of his taped hunts holding … Read more »

Fall Fashions to Make You Look Fat and Hairy

Attention, ladies. Now you, too, can cause your neighbors to phone in Big Foot sightings. You, too, can look like the frightening “before” picture on an infomercial for Epilady. And you, too, can look like you are trying to kidnap the cast of Cats. How? It’s fall fashion season, and mixed in with some lovely … Read more »

Rick Perry Offends Animals Too

Gage Skidmore | CC by 2.0 Texas Gov. Rick Perry is taking heat today after The Washington Post published the racial slur that was once painted in large letters on a rock at the gated entrance to his family’s secluded hunting camp. There has been some debate over when exactly the offensive name was removed … Read more »

Pretty in Paint: Models Heat Up Sidewalk

What do cows, snakes, and foxes all agree on? That they would prefer to keep their skin right where it is, thank you very much. All three species (represented by body-painted PETA members) joined forces in Knoxville, Tennessee, to ask people to wear their own skin, not animals’. After our gals were done turning Knoxville … Read more »

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