Giant Rat Drives Anti-Lowe’s Van

Though we can all agree that neglecting to feed an animal companion is pretty low, what about knowingly starving or denying an animal water until he or she dies? Well, that’s what glue traps do, which is why selling them makes Lowe’s the lowest of the low. We’ve sent out one of our custom campaign … Read more »

Is Glue Trap Manufacturer Deceiving Shoppers?

Imagine stumbling into a sticky substance so strong that you couldn’t break away from it. Frantic, you struggle to pry yourself free, but all that happens is that you tear patches of your skin and hair off or get your mouth and nose stuck in it and start to suffocate. That is exactly what mice, … Read more »

One Little Logo Causes Lowe’s Big Headaches

This little logo—which PETA is using in our efforts to urge Lowe’s to stop selling cruel glue traps (archaic torture devices that trap small animals, causing them to suffer from suffocation, starvation, and mutilation)—is apparently causing big headaches for the company: Last week, the company that manages Lowe’s trademarks sent the head legal counsel for … Read more »

Dear Lowe’s: Stop selling glue traps. Kthx.

We have an urgent action alert up on our site right now, asking department store chain Lowe’s to pull the glue traps from its shelves ASAP. The deal with glue traps (as a lot of people find out the hard way when they use them) is that they’re exactly as crude as they sound. Animals … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

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