Genetically Engineered Rats: 10 Percent Rabbit, 100 Percent Cute

Sticking up for rats—who are sensitive, intelligent, and nurturing—has always been high on our agenda, although not everyone understands that these dear little mammals are worth caring about … yet. There is hope, however. For the last 14 months, we’ve been funding two scientists at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) who are … Read more »

Boston’s Logan Airport Ditches Glue Traps

Whenever people ask where my parents got my name, I never miss a beat before saying “The X-Men.” Am I really named after Wolverine? Maybe, maybe not, but as a lifetime comic book fan I think it’s a better story than “My great-great uncle three times removed was a Civil War hero …” and, well, … Read more »

Glue-In at Lowe’s

It was literally a sticky situation for employees at one Lowe’s store in Toledo, Ohio, yesterday, when a woman dressed as a mouse entered the store and “glued” herself to the floor. As the “mouse” screamed and writhed, customers surrounded her with caution signs reading, “Lowe’s Tortures Animals.”     The “mouse” was taken into … Read more »

Victory! Dollar General No Longer Cashing in on Glue Traps

lpjobs / CC   It’s true: Dollar General cares—about its customers’ concerns and about animals. After we received complaints that Dollar General, which has thousands of stores across the U.S., was selling hideously cruel glue traps, we wrote to the bargain retailer. In our letter, we described how animals who get stuck on glue traps … Read more »

Lowe’s Can No Longer Claim Traps Are Humane

Last year, PETA filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) against Motomco, the glue trap manufacturer that supplies Lowe’s with its sticky death traps. Our complaint stated that Motomco was selling misleadingly labeled glue traps designed to make people believe that these traps were somehow acceptable. The label stated that the glue trap … Read more »

4-5-6 … The ‘No More Glue Traps’ List

I bet it made your Monday to read how one determined woman helped countless small animals by convincing Gelson’s to pull glue traps from its stores’ shelves. (Really, how dang adorable is the mouse in that post? I could stare at her all day.) Let us make your Friday too. Check out this year’s ever-growing … Read more »

1-2-3 … Mice Go Free!

ehow / CC That’s the number of glue traps—123—that have now been removed from the shelves of Gelson’s Supermarkets in Southern California thanks to PETA member Renee Papadapolous. Renee’s letter to Gelson’s—in which she described how mice and other animals suffer hemorrhaging, shock, and other horrors when stuck in “pans of pain“—earned a speedy reply … Read more »

Victory! American Eagle Trashes Glue Traps

ehow / CC First, it swore off Australian wool from lambs who have endured the cruel mulesing mutilation. Now, American Eagle Outfitters has taken another compassionate step that is sure to have mice pumping their tiny clenched paws in victory. After learning that animals caught in glue traps die a slow, agonizing death by starvation—often … Read more »

Lowe’s Annual Meeting Gets Sticky

Our campaign to convince Lowe’s to stop selling glue traps is stuck in high gear. Recently, a woman dressed as a mouse stuck on a glue trap stopped traffic in Yakima, Washington. Then PETA member Stewart David requested that state officials in North Carolina investigate Lowe’s bogus claim that its glue traps somehow “anesthetize” captured … Read more »

Victory! JPMorgan Chase Ditches Glue Traps

smashin / CC A whistleblower recently reported that a Washington Mutual (WaMu) branch in the Chicago area was using glue traps to catch mice. We contacted James Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase—which recently acquired WaMu—and explained that animals entangled in glue traps often suffer from torn flesh and even broken bones resulting from their panicked … Read more »

Say ‘No!’ to Lowe’s and ‘Yes!’ to PETA’s New Billboard

Lately, we’ve been stepping up our campaign to convince Lowe’s to stop selling glue traps. In addition to our notorious “sexy mice” demos, we’ve designed a brand-new billboard, and today we’re contacting officials in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Charlotte, North Carolina, to request prominent placement of the ad in their cities. We all know that the … Read more »

Sexy Mice (and Surprise Guests) Confront Lowe’s

When you have an epic battle as big as PETA’s campaign to convince home improvement behemoth Lowe’s to stop selling glue traps, you have to decide if you are “a man or a mouse,” as the saying goes. Personally, I’m a mouse. I’m PETA’s original “sexy mouse,” in fact. Yes, that’s me, writhing in a … Read more »

PETA (Hearts) Australia?

photobucket / CC G’day, mates! I’m stoked to tell you that the blokes in Victoria, Australia, have given the flick to cruel mousetraps. It’s a rip snorter of a decision, and our hats are off to ya. Onya, Aussies! Translation: Hello! Great news: The government in Victoria, Australia, just passed its new and improved Prevention … Read more »

Victory! Dollar Tree Makes Million-Dollar Call

keystoneequity / CC I’m pleased to announce that I have a surprise for my family—but first, listen to this: Following our appeal to them, the nationwide chain Dollar Tree has agreed to stop selling glue traps! This decision will spare untold numbers of mice, birds, squirrels, and even house hamsters and other small animals from … Read more »

PETA’s Road Warriors

Our fearless campaigners have been hard at work exposing cruelty to animals—and sometimes quite a bit of themselves—all across the country! A Lowe’s in San Diego received a visit from a bikini-clad “mouse,” who lay in front of the store on her own glue trap. In case you didn’t know, Lowe’s still sells hideously cruel … Read more »

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