You’ve Been Punked! By an Octopus

csudh / CC It’s not often that we post an entry about octopi, but this story is definitely worth the mention. When employees at the Sea Star Aquarium in Coburg, Germany, were puzzled by the constant short-circuiting of lights, they thought it was a result of technical difficulties. It turns out, however, that Otto the … Read more »

We Can’t Wait for ‘Whale Wars’!

ecorazzi / CC Are you as excited as we are about this?! Following up a string of victories for animals this week, a new TV series is coming to keep the party goin’! Whale Wars is the newest reality show from Animal Planet, and it features none other than our favorite sibling on the high … Read more »

PETA Launches Cutest Campaign Ever

I am thrilled to announce the launch of the cutest campaign ever to exist: Save the Sea Kittens! In an effort to get people to think about fish in a whole new way, we decided to change their name for a while. If people had to order “sea kitten sticks” at a restaurant, I guarantee … Read more »

Can’t Touch PETA India – You Might Burn Yourself!

The whole of PETA India is on a roll, ya’ll! I’d barely even finished writing my blog entry about the array of successful demos that the grown folk at PETA India have put on throughout the month of September, when their younger counterparts at petaDishoom squeezed in a grand finale! To commemorate Gandhi’s birthday and … Read more »

Scale Back Cruelty, San Diego

San Diego recently got a special treat—in the form of three fishy PETA activists. The three ladies, wearing silver body-paint and little else, posed under a net just blocks away from the harbor. Their message: “Scale Back Cruelty: Stop Fishing.” Our activists could breathe as they lay under a net in the hot sun, but … Read more »

Make That 11 Reasons Salmon Makes Me Gag

dogbreedinfo / CC PETA created a Top 10 Reasons Not to Eat Salmon list a couple years ago. With the report of a man contending that he got a 9-foot (!!!) tapeworm after eating undercooked salmon hitting the news cycle, it looks like it’s time for the list to be updated. In a lawsuit filed … Read more »

What Did the Fish Say to the Bartender?

wallpaperbase / CC This isn’t the first time we’ve heard it, but it’s getting ever-better. According to a recent article in Science, fish can talk. At least one species (midshipman) and a close relative (toadfish) grunt, growl, and hum to communicate with one another, with different sounds to show aggression or lure a mate. According … Read more »

Do People Over 40 Smell?

waterlife / CC Ever noticed that some old people smell funky? Notice that I said “some.” A New Scientist article released last week reports that the “funky old person” smell is a myth unless the over-40-something eats a fair amount of “seafood“—because of the long time accumulation of the unsaturated fatty acids contained in fish. … Read more »

Wal-Mart Gives Homeless Fish to PETA

This story’s got it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s just sort of in reverse order. Think: bad beginning but great ending for a few hundred fish and snails! On an average day, PETA’s Cruelty Investigations Department receives dozens of phone calls from caring individuals who have witnessed—and wish to report—cases of … Read more »

Step Away From the Tentacles

You know, very few things will bother vegetarians like assuming that we eat fish. Um, so, like, what plant is it exactly that you think fish grow on?By saying “you,” I don’t mean you, of course. After all, you already understand that fishing hurts, and you’re totally down with lobster liberation, right? And you’ve made … Read more »

It’s Official: Animals Have Social Needs

It’s official in Switzerland at least, where, under a new federal law, failure to provide any “social” animals contact with others of their own kind will be legally defined as abuse. Better yet, the law requires training for prospective dog guardians and sets some common-sense guidelines regarding living conditions for many other animals, including animals … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Here’s what Jeff says about this week’s masterpiece: “The strip is based on the sad measures that officials have to take in order to protect rhinos from poachers. And a little depravity thrown in for good measure.” He also let me know that, in honor of Earth Week, he sprayed this strip with 50 percent … Read more »

We Know Exactly What Dick Cheney Was Looking at!

In case you missed it, the interwebs have been awash with speculation today about this picture, from the White House website, which “appears” to show a nude woman reflected in Vice President Dick C’s sunglasses while he was fishing. The White House is insisting that the reflection is just that of an arm holding a … Read more »

Some KFC Protests Are Bigger Than Others

This was a big one. The photos were taken after the peta2 Take Action Conference in Toronto last week. More on that on peta2’s blog (fair warning: my peta2 colleagues tend to use a lot of hip, slangy, young-people lingo, so try not to let it get you down), and there are plenty more pics … Read more »

Rachel Feather’s New Name

Twenty-one-year-old Flagstaff resident Rachel Feather knows about making sacrifices—not only does she (apparently voluntarily) live in Flagstaff, but she’s recently given up her own name to help PETA make a point. Heretofore, Ms. Feather will be known as FishingHurts to friends and family, having legally changed her name as a way of starting conversations about … Read more »

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