Kristy Lee Cook: From Runner-Up to Dead Last

American Idol season seven runner-up Kristy Lee Cook is doing anything she can to get her “15 Minutes of Shame.” In her new television show on Versus (formerly the Outdoor Life Network), Kristy is traveling around the country shooting animals. It sounds like she must have had those tired old defenses of hunting hammered into … Read more »

Parasailing Donkey Grounded

We are still receiving calls, e-mails, and blog comments about Anapka, the donkey who was recently hoisted up on a parasail and spent a terrifying 30 minutes in the air, braying for help, before crash landing in the ocean and being dragged across the beach in a promotional stunt. Great news: Anapka’s days of flying … Read more »

Creepy, Not Cheeky

Q. You have an extra $4,000 in your pocket. Do you:online surveys   OK, maybe that’s a trick question. Who in the world would spend one plugged nickel on this gruesome “novelty”? We realize that giving attention to things like these “piggy banks”—or those strange dead squirrel beer cozies—is like engaging with a radio shock … Read more »

Guess Who Suffers From PTSD

Earlier this week, President Obama affirmed that U.S. combat troops will leave Iraq by the end of August “as promised and on schedule.” After reading this Associated Press story about a military dog who came home from Iraq “cowering and fearful,” I can only hope that President Obama will commit to withdrawing canine troops right … Read more »

In Space, No One Can Hear You Tweet

Victory Update: Following a year of vigorous campaigning, PETA has learned that government officials have grounded plans for a cruel and ineffective radiation experiment on monkeys. Learn more about this victory for monkeys. But here on Earth, people aren’t only listening, they’re following you—on Twitter. Check out the following tweet from Astro_Sandy, aka NASA astronaut … Read more »

How Would You Accessorize Miss Australia’s Weird Outfit?

You’ve seen Hollywood’s fugliest. Now, take a look at the Uggliest from Down Under: The proposed national costume for Miss Universe contestant Jesinta Campbell, aka Miss Australia, is making people wince. PETA Australia has asked Campbell to abandon her plans to wear a ghastly get-up that includes a sheepskin shrug and last year’s Ugg boots … Read more »

Morrissey Says Bears Have Earned It Already, Baby

Conservative MP Ann Widdecombe has earned kudos from the Mozfather himself for an opinion piece in the UK’s Times that blasted the killing of Canadian bears for the Queen’s Guards’ hats.     In a letter that ran in yesterday’s Times, Morrissey wrote, “I welcome Ann Widdecombe’s views on the depravity of bear-baiting in order … Read more »

Seriously Good News for Rabbits

After more than a decade of scientific research, negotiations, and lobbying by PETA, PETA U.K., and other groups, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has approved new, non-animal testing methods for measuring skin irritation. Now, across the world, rabbits will be spared as the standard way of testing for skin irritation is switched … Read more »

Gag? No Gag? Do Scientists Torture for the Heck of It?

Rama / CC by 2.0 France The Onion—in a 2004 article that was recently re-posted on the front page of the gag mag’s website—says scientists torture mice just for laughs. This “report” is so cleverly written that when I sent it to Kathy Guillermo, PETA’s vice president of laboratory investigations, she had “palpitations,” as she … Read more »

Skin From More Than 750 Bodies Discovered in Holland

Boxes containing the remains of more than 750 raccoon dogs were found in a Netherlands meadow last week. The pelts were missing the strip of fur down the center of the animals’ backs, a tell-tale sign that the animals were likely skinned to make fur collars and cuffs.     Although there are no known … Read more »

By Georges! NHL Star Officially Goes Green

Former NHL enforcer Georges Laraque may be retired, but don’t call him a snowbird (he’s 33—I don’t think he meets the age requirement). Not only is his second vegan restaurant scheduled to open on August 5, he’s also getting fired up to use his new role as deputy leader of Canada’s Green Party to promote … Read more »

Wiggling, Writhing, S-s-s-s-s-salmonella

Fancy a bout of the runs, severe fever, septicemia, or perhaps meningitis? Then head on out and get yourself a snake or other reptile as a pet. According to a recent report, hundreds of people were exposed to salmonella bacteria from dead mice they were feeding to their reptiles—but that’s just the tip of the … Read more »

Do Anglers Have Small Rods?

“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: But when I became a man, I put away childish things.”1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child (in 1976), I entered—and “won”—a fishing contest. But when I became a man, I put away the … Read more »

Fly the Sea Kitten-Friendly Skies!

It’s no secret that the airline industry has been struggling to make ends meet—even the perennially profitable Hawaiian Airlines has hit some market turbulence lately. So PETA has reached out to Hawaiian with a win-win proposition: Make Hawaiian Airlines the official airline of sea kittens.   It’s a silly suggestion, but it could work for … Read more »

Help World Cup’s MVO Get Home

  As soccer fans all over the world are packing up their vuvuzelas, PETA Germany is petitioning for the retirement and release of Paul the prophetic octopus, who correctly chose the winners in eight match-ups, including Spain’s win yesterday over the Netherlands. No one deserves to spend an entire life locked in a glass box, … Read more »

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