Anne Hathaway Says Sayonara to Sushi

In an interview with the U.K.’s Metro, Anne Hathaway reveals that she has been a “commitment-shy vegetarian” since she was about 12, but she says that she strengthened her resolve not to eat her furry or feathered friends while in England filming her upcoming movie One Day. Fish, however, were still on the menu—until someone … Read more »

Bristol Palin Goes Clubbing

Former first lady Barbara Bush raised eyebrows recently when she told Larry King that she hopes Sarah Palin stays in Alaska. But considering what Sarah and her daughter Bristol do in Alaska, we’re not sure that’s such a great idea either. This gruesome scene of Bristol and Sarah clubbing a halibut to death took place … Read more »

World Leaders in the Dark (Ages)

bensonkua/CC by 2.0 Could someone check a calendar for me? ‘Cause mine says it’s 2010, but the organizers of the G20 summit in Seoul seem to have gone medieval on the world leaders assembled there by using live goldfish to test the water quality. Really, guys? Surely you are aware that there are plenty of … Read more »

Billboard Questioning Anglers’ Manhood to Be Erected

PETA U.K.’s billboard asking anglers if they are “overcompensating” for something hit a little too close to home for some fishers. Fortunately, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), the agency that reviews all ad complaints in the U.K., has a better sense of humor than do the angry anglers—it gave the billboard the all-clear. Says ASA … Read more »

Sammy the Sea Kitten Makes Kiddies Giddy

To celebrate Fish Empathy Week, PETA sent Sammy the Sea Kitten to Fair Haven School in New Haven, Connecticut, and as you can see from the photos, students (and many of their parents) couldn’t get enough of him!  The youngsters embraced both Sammy and his lifesaving message that sea kittens (aka fish) are meant for … Read more »

Which Way to the Sandbar?

You won’t catch a male ninespine stickleback asking that question, according to a recent study conducted at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Researchers Dr. Mike Webster and Professor Kevin Laland found that while ninespine sticklebacks are known to be capable of sophisticated social learning behavior, including communicating with each other about where to … Read more »

Victory! Kids Help Save Foxes

You think “coon on a log” is bad? Allow me to introduce you to the delightful sport of “fox penning,” in which dogs are set loose on a fox or coyote confined to a pen and allowed to tear the animal to shreds. The good news is that this despicable pastime is now banned in … Read more »

College Boys Coming Up Short in Their Shorts?

  The University of Alabama at Birmingham is the first of several colleges whose president has been asked by PETA to eliminate the school’s fishing team. We know what you’re asking yourself: “There are actually enough boys on several college campuses trying to compensate for their below-the-belt shortcomings to start fishing teams?” Of course, they … Read more »

Michelle Rodriguez: Set to Save Whales–and Pigs

  Since signing up to join the vegan crew of Sea Shepherd, Avatar star Michelle Rodriguez has decided to chuck chicken—and other dead animals—from her plate. Here’s her logic: “[Y]ou can’t be a hypocrite; you can’t be sitting there trying to save animals and then killing them. That’s just weird.” Word. Written by Karin Bennett

NYT: Fish Are Animals

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but The New York Times wasn’t pussyfooting around when it printed this about fish sea kittens:     We’ve been saying it all along, but there it is in black and white—thanks to The Gray Lady. Now, why don’t you issue your own official statement, in … Read more »

It’s a Fish! It’s a Plane! It’s PETA!

Over the weekend, all the contestants in Milwaukee’s Brew City Salmon Tournament got a little something to take home with them—even if they didn’t manage to hook, suffocate, and kill any sea kittens. PETA took to the skies over Lake Michigan with an airplane banner urging tournament participants to look at angling from a different … Read more »

PETA Tackles North Korea?

After North Korea fired an artillery barrage into the Yellow Sea yesterday, U.S. State Department Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley told reporters, “Well, I’m sure it resulted in a lot of dead fish. And we certainly hope that PETA will protest.“ We’re flattered that Mr. Crowley has faith in PETA’s ability to defend fish sea … Read more »

10% Wool, by Jeff Corriveau: Tag and Release Winner

And, this week’s 10% Wool “Tag and Release” winner is … Beth Ann! Congratulations.   So I see that Ringling Bros. is trying to expand its “Greatest Show on Earth” slogan …   Don’t forget to check out the archive of past 10% Wool comic strips here. Get more information on the series and the … Read more »

Why Every Week Is Shark Week

Brazil’s Environmental Justice Institute has claimed that one seafood exporter has illegally killed nearly 300,000 sharks.

John McCain Goes Maverick on Animal Experiments

A report issued this week by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., blasts 100 “questionable,” “mismanaged,” and “poorly planned” stimulus-funded projects, including an especially cruel and wasteful experiment that the report aptly calls “Monkeys Getting High for Science.” (No, it isn’t another Onion story, unfortunately.) The study in question is being conducted at … Read more »

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