Jim Carrey Stands Up for Pigs on MTV

aceshowbiz / CC “There wouldn’t be a swine flu if we treated the pigs better!” That was superstar comedian and professional face-contorter Jim Carrey’s shout out to pigs during his acceptance speech for Best Comedic Performance at the MTV Movie Awards last night. While Rob Pattinson cleaned up in every other category and “Bruno” shocked … Read more »

PETA Asia-Pacific’s Biohazard Team to the Rescue

The swine flu epidemic has hit Asia—and so has PETA Asia-Pacific’s intrepid team of biohazard-suited protesters. They gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Manila to point out the fact that factory farms are breeding grounds for deadly diseases such as swine flu and avian flu.   Thanks for the guard detail, boys! We’ll take it … Read more »

Swine Flu Victim’s Family Sues Pig Farm

  trendsupdates / CC Ah, the plot thickens. Smithfield—the same folks who sent a memo to employees a couple of weeks ago claiming that the swine flu outbreak isn’t connected to pigs—has been sued by the family of Judy Trunnell, the first U.S. resident to die of the disease. In that same “spin in haste, … Read more »

Abortion Debaters to Get Schooled at Notre Dame

Two things we at PETA never pass up: vegan ice cream and opportunities to educate others about the benefits of a vegetarian diet. (I call it giving them a “vegucation.”) Pro-life Catholic students and faculty at Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind., are in a tizzy about President Obama’s scheduled commencement address on Sunday. So, … Read more »

Jimmy Kimmel on Swine Flu

  nymag / CC “The government does not want us to call it the swine flu. They’re calling it the 2009 H1N1 virus. The reason for the change is they want people to know you can still eat all the pork you want without any risk to your health, except diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.” … Read more »

PETA Offers Lifeline to Tubby Tots

When we heard that an elementary school in Windsor, Connecticut, was holding a yard sale to raise funds to spruce up its dilapidated playground, we saw a perfect opportunity pitch in—by paying to place our ads reading, “Tot teetering on obesity? Go Veg!” on the school’s seesaws.     Our letter to the principal points … Read more »

Top Ten Fascinating Facts About Pigs

With swine flu now in at least 22 countries, pigs appear to be on people’s minds 24/7. Here are some facts about pigs that you might not catch on the nightly news.

Mexican Flu Farms Mean Mucho Dinero for Some

  edf / CC What do Smithfield Foods and Donald Rumsfeld have to do with the global swine flu scare? Author F. William Engdahl’s informative article, which details the links between factory farms, spin doctors, the pork industry, and drug companies, explains all. Before you race to the doctor for a Tamiflu vaccine, read this … Read more »

Montel Williams’ Daughter Asks Sasha and Malia for Help

  healthyschoollunches / CC TV talk-show host Montel Williams’ daughter Wyntergrace is a real peta2-type girl, and she rocks. She’s only 14 years old, but she’s heading to Washington, D.C., this week to ask Congress to change the Child Nutrition Act to require public schools to provide healthy vegetarian options to students. Wyntergrace has also … Read more »

Pigs to Descend on the U.S. Capitol?

  hanscomfamily / CC With the world worried about swine flu, we’re ready to turn up the heat—by heading to the steps of the U.S. Capitol to re-create a real-life hog factory farm if our permit is granted. Along with audio of piglets who scream as they endure castration, tail-docking, and ear-notching without any painkillers, … Read more »

People for the Ethical Treatment of…Dancers?

Dancing With the Stars—not only a staple of my DVR schedule but also a place to find some serious PETA reppin’. Judge Carrie Ann Inaba and celeb dancers Holly Madison and Steve-O have all starred in some intensely sexy ads for PETA, and even though our faves have already been kicked off, the cast has … Read more »

And Pig Makes 15 for Octomom?

examiner / CC A recent article on UsMagazine.com notes that Octomom Nadya Suleman is considering adding another member to her brood. No, she’s not thinking about having any more babies (at least as far as we know). She’s considering bringing a pig into her home. Actually, into her home isn’t quite correct. She wants to … Read more »

Sexy Protesters Wear Their Hearts…

OK, well, that’s pretty much all that these four lovelies from PETA Asia-Pacific were wearing outside the Manila Zoo, but they certainly drew the crowd’s attention to their campaign to improve conditions for animals at the cramped, decrepit zoo.   The animals got a little time off from the gawkers, who instead turned their attention … Read more »

Swine Flu Worries? Better Safe Than Sorry

  aact / CC Thanks to global pandemonium revolving around swine flu, almost everything has ground to a halt in Mexico; schools in New York, California, and Texas have closed; Europeans are being urged to postpone travel to the U.S. and Mexico, and sore throat sufferers everywhere are dialing their doctors to ask, “Is it … Read more »

‘Octoprop’ Earns Blink 182’s Mark Hoppus Props From peta2

The following is a guest post from peta2’s Shan. If you don’t already track Blink 182’s Mark Hoppus’ every move through his Twitter page, allow me to fill you in on something awesome that one of our Blink-loving staff members spotted last week:     Ask and ye shall receive, Mark! Mark made the compassionate … Read more »

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