Animal Companions
PETA’s ‘Mouse’ Gets Stuck at Lowe’s

Many people just don’t realize how horrible glue traps are for mice, rats, and unintended victims such as birds and kittens—or that Lowe’s refuses to stop selling these cruel devices. Well, PETA’s “mouse” enlightened shoppers outside a Lowe’s in Charlotte, North Carolina, yesterday—just in time for the company’s annual meeting, which takes place today.   … Read more »

Animal Companions
Speaking Up for Animals South of the Border

Our neighbors to the south have been busy bees for animals lately. Last Saturday, more than 9,000 people took part in a massive activist-organized march for animal rights in Mexico City. How inspiring are these pics?!   The event raised tons of awareness, got lots of media coverage, and allowed organizers to gather more than … Read more »

Animal Companions
Designer of the Year Is Leather-Free

Congratulations to white-hot menswear designer John Bartlett, who just received the American Image Award for Designer of the Year from the American Apparel & Footwear Association. This trendsetting designer is as notable for his compassion as he is for his clothing—he recently announced that he has gone vegan and that the collection that he showed … Read more »

Animal Companions
Meet Amanda Kyle, Fieldworker

The following is a post that originally appeared on PETA Prime. Because of your support, PETA is able to work in local communities, helping individual animals in need. Thousands of animals are helped by PETA’s Community Animal Project (CAP) each year. This is the second in a series of posts chronicling the work of CAP—this … Read more »

Animal Companions
We’ll Miss You, Eubanks!

I think that even Team Coco will agree that it’s a sad day for The Tonight Show: Kevin Eubanks, longtime leader of The Tonight Show Band, PETA pal, and vegetarian—and the finest-looking strawberry you’ll ever see—is ending his 18-year stint on the show. It’s rumored that he’s going to take this time to tour and … Read more »

Animal Companions
Chrissie Hynde Rocks Philly Against McCruelty

No one—and I mean no one—rocks like Chrissie Hynde. Whether she’s fronting the Pretenders or backing a PETA campaign, the vegan Rock and Roll Hall of Famer is never in the “Middle of the Road.” In fact, she’s always willing to go the extra mile (or “2000 Miles“) to help animals. Case in point? After … Read more »

Animal Companions
Good News About Baa-d Moves in Australia

3268zauber / CC by 3.0 Holy Guacamole Vegemite! The Fremantle City Council just voted to phase out the live export of sheep from its port. To get an idea of how huge this decision is, consider that in 2006 more than 80 percent of the almost 4 million sheep who were exported from Australia went … Read more »

Animal Companions
New Tanning Trend: Broccoli Bronzer

Johntex / CC by 2.5 Strong, healthy heart—check. Slim, trim body—check. Increased energy—check. Lovely, sun-kissed glow—wait, what …? Fair-skinned folks should know that the secret to a sexy tan is in the fruit basket, not the tanning bed. That’s right: Researchers at Bristol University have found that a golden tan enhanced by beta-carotene found in … Read more »

Animal Companions
PETA Tries to Stop Amityville-Type Horrors

Lansbricae / CC by 3.0 Media outlets everywhere are reporting that a home on New York’s Long Island is for sale. Why all the buzz? This house is well known as the “Amityville Horror house,” the infamous site of alleged paranormal activity brought on by gruesome murders at the home as depicted in the horror … Read more »

Animal Companions
Watch ‘Sex and the City 2’ Here …

Share on Facebook | Viewing OptionsEmbed<embed src=”” _mce_src=”” quality=”high” pluginspage=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” width=”335″ height=”255″ allowscriptaccess=”always”></embed>   My bad. I meant “Sex and the Kitty,” PETA’s hilarious ad promoting spaying and neutering. I guess I got a little Carried away because Sex and the City 2 hits theaters today. A funny take on a serious matter, SATK … Read more »

Animal Companions
Cloris Leachman: Condoms Don’t Work

Over the years, Cloris Leachman has won numerous awards for her acting (my fave: Nurse Diesel). Her fancy footwork drew applause (and kisses) on Dancing With the Stars. And the longtime vegetarian turned heads everywhere when she became one of PETA’s Lettuce Ladies. Now Cloris is drawing rave reviews for her appearance in a hilarious … Read more »

Animal Companions
Nuns Close Chicken Farm, Open Massage Parlor

Here’s something you won’t hear too often: Austrian nuns opened a health spa to raise money for their convent after their chicken farm “fell flat.” The nuns even use high-pressure hoses to spray chilled water at guests to stimulate their skin. The whole thing might not sound very conventional (there’s no buff masseuse in a … Read more »

Animal Companions
Canadians: Seals Need You–Canada Is Their Home Too

Many Canadians are against their country’s annual seal slaughter—the biggest massacre of marine mammals in the world—but the Canadian government has yet to put a stop to it. Not only is the government supporting the barbaric acts of bludgeoning and shooting baby seals, it is also spending taxpayer dollars to do so. Canadians, it’s your … Read more »

Animal Companions
Let’s Weigh Popular Weight-Loss Plans / CC BY 2.0 With so many “miracle” weight-loss plans out there and everyone sipping diet drinks, why are there so many overweight people in America? After all, losing weight really isn’t that difficult. If you want to slim down—and save animals—try going vegan: The results can be astonishing. Most plant-based foods are naturally … Read more »

Animal Companions
Aaron’s Kicking the Bucket–Are You Next?

We can only hope so—and we mean that in the nicest possible way! When PETA learned that Springfield, Oregon, comedian Aaron Jamison, who has terminal cancer, is selling ad space on his urns to offset his bills, we were dying to help. Aaron must be a great guy because he took us up on our … Read more »

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