One Step Closer to Warnings on Chicken

Restaurants are already reluctant to post calorie counts; can you imagine how hard it is to get fast-food joints to post a skull and crossbones—or at least a warning sign—letting customers know that their grilled chicken contains a carcinogen? It’s pretty dang hard—but the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) just got one step closer … Read more »

Want Drugs With That?

  Unless you’re insane, you know that the typical fast-food meal—cheeseburger, fries, and a milkshake—is bad for you. Not only does eating fatty meat and dairy products widen our waistlines, it also narrows our arteries. Now, one British researcher has come up with the brilliant (sarcasm alert) suggestion that fast-food joints should offset the effect … Read more »

Beef Recall Math Test

Jennifer Dickert / CC by 2.0 On Friday, Valley Meat Co. of Modesto, California, recalled approximately 1 million pounds of ground beef because of possible E. coli contamination. Frightening? Yes. Shocking? Not if you take a look at the numbers. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a typical steer will yield about 450 … Read more »

Hi-yo, Broccoli Bill?

I’ve caught some fascinating tidbits in media reports about Chelsea Clinton’s recent wedding: The bride dropped the ring during the ceremony. She and Marc did a sexy tango during the reception. Chelsea’s father, former President Bill Clinton, followed his daughter’s lead by going vegan—and he moonwalked during the reception! Wait—Bill Clinton went vegan? That’s right: … Read more »

Look How Far These Guys Are Going to Help Chained Dogs

You say you care about lonely, neglected dogs who are chained up in all weather extremes 24 hours a day, 365 days a year? How far would you go to prove it? Seminole County resident and PETA member Bryan Wilson (right) and a friend went so far as to chain themselves up for eight hours … Read more »

This Is Your Brain. This Is Your Brain on Pugs.

  If you’re a regular PETA Files reader, you probably already know about the physical and psychological problems that plague specially bred (meaning inbred) dogs. Labrador retrievers commonly suffer from hip dysplasia, cataracts, and retinal degeneration. German shepherds are prone not only to hip dysplasia but also to spinal paralysis, epilepsy, and blood disorders. Bulldogs … Read more »

Why, Oh, Why, Would She Wear a Fly?

Here we go again—another creepy creation. This one was made by artist Jessica Harrison:     I’ll give her this: I can see how she might find tiny flies’ legs to be reminiscent of human eyelashes, but couldn’t she just leave it at that? I mean, my rescued beagle Lulu, R.I.P., had ears that felt … Read more »

10% Wool, by Jeff Corriveau: Tag and Release Winner

And, this week’s 10% Wool “Tag and Release” winner is … Beth Ann! Congratulations.   So I see that Ringling Bros. is trying to expand its “Greatest Show on Earth” slogan …   Don’t forget to check out the archive of past 10% Wool comic strips here. Get more information on the series and the … Read more »

Wiggling, Writhing, S-s-s-s-s-salmonella

Fancy a bout of the runs, severe fever, septicemia, or perhaps meningitis? Then head on out and get yourself a snake or other reptile as a pet. According to a recent report, hundreds of people were exposed to salmonella bacteria from dead mice they were feeding to their reptiles—but that’s just the tip of the … Read more »

Does That Chicken Make Me Look Fat?

If you don’t want people to start chanting, “Fatty, fatty two-by-four, can’t fit through KFC’s door,” you might want to put down that drumstick and pick up some Gardein buffalo wings instead. A recent study of hundreds of thousands of Europeans revealed that the more meat people ate, the more weight they gained over time—and … Read more »

No Need to Thank Us

Obesity rates are climbing across the country, with one exception: Washington, D.C., is the only area in the U.S. to see a decline in the adult obesity rate. Some people may cite Michelle Obama’s healthy eating challenges for D.C.’s flab-less makeover, but it seems that PETA’s work to encourage the city’s residents and visitors to … Read more »

Ha, Ha, Soy Skeptics, Check This Out

Take a tip from this guy: Embrace soy!JOE MARINARO / CC by 2.0 People have been enjoying soy and reaping its health benefits for thousands of years, but there are still some myths circulating about soy and soy products. Last week, the Guardian printed an eye-opening article that uncovers the shady origins of anti-soy propaganda—most … Read more »

Picturesque Protest Over Running of the Bulls

Before the drunken partiers filled Pamplona’s streets today to kick off the annual Running of the Bulls tormenting of bulls, scores of animal defenders from PETA U.K. and the Spanish animal rights group AnimaNaturalis creatively banded together to put the bulls’ perspective in the picture.   Photo by Matt Goldsmith for PETA UK   During … Read more »

FDA Wants Farmers to Kick Drug Habit

Photo by Sage Ross, CC by-sa 3.0 Citing research showing that feeding antibiotics to animals on factory farms in order to promote growth “is not in the interest of protecting or promoting public health,” the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is recommending that farmers stop routinely mixing antibiotics into animal feed. Unfortunately, just because the … Read more »

A Peek Behind the Scenes

It takes guts to challenge the multi-million-dollar-a-year industry that you’ve made your living from, but award-winning filmmaker and provocateur Chris Palmer has thrown open the curtain on what really happens during the filming of wildlife shows, movies, and documentaries in his new book Shooting in the Wild: An Insider’s Account of Making Movies in the … Read more »

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