Rhinos Face Uphill Fight for Survival

The year has not started well for South Africa’s rhinos. Five of the animals have already been killed since New Year’s Day, and if the recent past is any indication, many more victims will follow. Overall, it has been an atrocious few years for South Africa’s rhinos. Poachers in the country continue to illegally slaughter … Read more »

South Korea Burying Pigs Alive

It sounds too horrific to be true, but officials in South Korea are piling pigs on top of each other in trucks, dumping thousands of them into mass graves, and burying them alive. This atrocity is intended to control an outbreak of foot and mouth disease, but there is an inexpensive vaccine for the disease … Read more »

Kidney Failure—It’s What’s for Dinner

An organic beef producer is recalling more than 34,000 pounds of ground beef after finding E. coli bacteria in its facilities. E. coli can cause dehydration, anemia, kidney failure, and even death. Many consumers don’t realize that animals on organic farms may be forced to endure the same crowded, filthy conditions as animals on typical … Read more »

Two Thumbs Up for ‘Forks Over Knives’

Forks Over Knives is not your typical flick about senseless killings and weapons of mass destruction—rather, it’s about how people are killing themselves by eating dead animals and heavily processed garbage food.  Spoiler Alert: I don’t want to give away the ending—especially since I haven’t even seen it yet—but here’s a hint: It has something … Read more »

Here Comes the (Vegan) Bride

Congratulations, Marisa Serrano! Because this beautiful bride-to-be lost 17 pounds and improved her health by going vegan, she’s been named the winner of PETA’s first-ever Wedding Dress Weight-Loss Challenge. Marisa will receive a one-of-a-kind vegan wedding dress created by Linda Loudermilk as well as three free fittings with the in-demand designer. And she’ll have peace … Read more »

Just in Time for Thanksgiving—Turkey Can Kill

We all know that Thanksgiving is murder on turkeys, but it turns out it can be murder on turkey-eaters too.

An Egg a Day Keeps the Doctor … Wealthy

Kai Hendry/CC by 2.0 If you had the same reaction that I did (i.e., violent retching) when you heard about KFC’s hideously unhealthy Double Down (you know, the sandwich that replaced bread with fried chicken and forced you to think about all those globules of deadly gunk gumming up people’s blood vessels), get this: A … Read more »

Oxford Agrees: Cut Out Meat for Life

rahuldlucca/CC by 2.0 A new Oxford University study reinforces what we’ve been saying for some time now: Cutting your meat and dairy intake can improve your health—and quite possibly save your life. Indeed, the report found that even if Britons simply lowered their meat consumption to three servings per week, about 45,000 fewer of them … Read more »

POLL: Should Heart Institute Display Sexy Ad?

One reason I’m glad to live in Houston is that the Texas Medical Center is here. The center includes some of the country’s leading health care facilities, such as the Texas Heart Institute (THI)—which was recently named one of America’s best centers for heart care for the 20th consecutive year. So THI seems like the … Read more »

A Story About My Father

My father was an adventurer who drove across the salt marshes of the Great Rann of Kutch at the most dangerous time of the year, took his little boat out into the Gulf of Mexico in tropical squalls, and climbed up a 200-foot tower on a windy day just to change a light bulb. When … Read more »

Dr. Oz Reveals What’s Lurking in Chicken Flesh

The cruel treatment of chickens raised for food is reason enough for people to stop eating them, but Dr. Mehmet Oz just provided his viewers with yet another reason: On a recent episode of The Dr. Oz Show, he explained exactly what’s in chicken flesh—chemicals, antibiotics, arsenic, drugs, and salt—and how it can lead to … Read more »

Beware Corporate ‘Pinkwashing’

The following op-ed was originally published in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Does the nation seem to have a pink tint to it these days? It’s not your vision; it’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and companies are bombarding the market with pink products. Everything from scouring pads and pepper spray to handbags and handguns are being sold … Read more »

Eminem on Lady Gaga’s Dress

According to The Mirror, Eminem refused to sit next to Lady Gaga at MTV’s Video Music Awards because her decomposing flesh dress stank. A source relates, “Marshall said he didn’t want to be sat next to a pile of raw meat all night. He said it smelled pretty bad.” Good call, Eminem. According to Dr. … Read more »

Meat Is Murder(ous)

mckaysavage / CC by 2.0   A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine finds that plant-based diets centered on healthy whole foods lower mortality rates, while meat-centric low-carb diets like Atkins raise mortality rates. In other words, going vegan can help you get fit and live longer. OK, that’s not exactly a … Read more »

A ‘Benefit’ Employees Can Do Without

I don’t think this quite qualifies as a work perk: Starting next year, obese government workers in South Carolina will be able to get stomach-shrinking surgery through the state’s health insurance plan. Lawmakers created the new “benefit” in order to combat the state’s growing obesity epidemic. While it’s great that the government wants to help … Read more »

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