Is Your Diet a Killer—or a Lifesaver?

There are countless things that we can do that endanger our lives, but there’s one thing we can do that can not only help us live longer but also save many more lives at the same time: adopting a vegan diet. Around 16 billion (that’s “billion” with a “b”) animals are slaughtered each year to … Read more »

Forgetful? Forget Meat

PETA first ran a billboard connecting meat consumption and Alzheimer’s after former President Ronald Reagan died of the disease. Now, in recognition of Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, PETA has created a new billboard to spread awareness about the link between eating more plant foods and Alzheimer’s prevention. Red pepper: © • Glasses: © … Read more »

A Doctor Warns: Never Eat These Three Foods

When asked what one food he would ban if he could, PETA’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Neal Barnard, responded with three: hot dogs, bacon, and ham. We’ll let him tell you why! In an interview with Forbes magazine, the bestselling author and president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine cited those three processed meats … Read more »

The Cure for Breast Cancer—Don’t Think Pink

© Robyn Mackenzie/ “If shopping could cure breast cancer, it would be cured by now,” says Think Before You Pink, an organization dedicated to ending “pinkwashing”—slapping pink ribbons on products in order to convince consumers that they can end breast cancer by buying pink products. In truth, reports Forbes, corporations seek to profit off … Read more »

‘Contagion’: Just a Movie or …

Audiences are flocking to see the new thriller Contagion for its exciting action scenes and big-name celebrities, but the film’s storyline is more true to life than many people may realize. As the recent swine and bird flu outbreaks have amply illustrated, deadly diseases that originate on factory farms easily spread to humans. Just last … Read more »

Save Breasts and Animals

Watching my cherished grandmother suffer through breast-cancer surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, then pass away, was the hardest thing that I have ever gone through. I felt so helpless—then I became determined to help find a cure. For me, that meant participating in walks and other fundraisers for breast-cancer charities that are actually helping us get … Read more »

What Happens in Vegas Can Help Animals

 Kris1123 | cc by 3.0 When we heard that MGM wanted to demolish the Harmon Tower—its brand-new but structurally unsound hotel and casino in Las Vegas―we had a dynamite idea: Turn the unusable building into a billboard. We can’t think of a better use for a doomed casino than an ad urging people not to … Read more »

Child Dies After Visiting Petting Zoo

Our sympathies go out to the family of Kalei Welch, who died in an Illinois hospital after falling ill with E. coli poisoning. Health officials believe that the 5-year-old girl contracted the deadly bacterial infection at a petting zoo at the Hendricks County Fair. PETA has been warning parents for years about the dangers of … Read more »

It’s Death or Taxes for Meat and Dairy

Have Denmark’s legislators been reading the PETA Files? PETA has long maintained that a tax on meat would help offset its negative impact on our health and the environment, and now it seems that the Danish government agrees with us. Starting in October, the country will levy taxes on certain meat and dairy products, animal … Read more »

Internet Soup

There is a cure for the summertime blues—an oscillating fan, a glass of lemonade, and a chilled bowl of Internet Soup: J-E-L-L-Oh! Cruelty-free gelatin? A cow who escaped from a slaughterhouse gets a happy ending. Could this be the pub where Lady and Tramp had their second dinner date? Twenty different drugs in milk? ¡Ay, … Read more »

Is Your Meal Malignant?

The good news is that colon cancer rates are going down. The bad news is, not in Mississippi. According to a report released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mississippi is the only state in the country that has not experienced a decline in colon cancer deaths in recent years. That’s … Read more »

Would You Eat Your Friends?


Who’s Really to Blame for E. Coli Outbreak?

As fingers are pointed over exactly who or what is responsible for the outbreak of a deadly new strain of E. coli in Germany, cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce have taken most of the heat. But just like you can’t squeeze blood from a turnip, you can’t get E. coli from a cucumber—at least that’s not … Read more »

School Teaches Kids to Mind Their Peas and Cukes

An elementary school in Denver, Colorado, is giving its students food for thought. To promote healthy eating habits among its students, SOAR has become Colorado’s first vegetarian school and earned itself a Compassionate School Award from PETA, for saving the lives of countless animals. “There is tons of research about plant-based foods preventing disease,” said SOAR’s … Read more »

89 Years Vegan and Counting

I’ve been vegan for more than 20 years and thought that was a long time, but Loreen Dinwiddie takes the vegan cake. The Oregon resident, who just celebrated her 108th birthday, went vegan in 1922 and never looked back. Loreen attributes her longevity to “fruits, vegetables, and nuts. It’s all there in the Bible.” She … Read more »

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