Phil Collins Vs. Foie Gras

art / CC Question: Does Grammy-winning recording artist Phil Collins support the sale of foie gras? Answer: Heck no! The singer/songwriter began his career as a vocalist for the rock band Genesis and went on to receive international acclaim as a solo artist—selling more than 250 million records throughout his career. Now, he’s fired off … Read more »

Disney Bids ‘Au Revoir’ to Foie Gras!

erck / CC Forget Miley Cyrus’ terrible ‘tween “Sweet 16” bash at Disneyland; there’s something much, much sweeter to celebrate at Disney World: No more foie gras! Just this month, Disney World dumped this disgusting Donald Duck–derived “delicacy of despair” (produced by force-feeding ducks until their livers become diseased and engorged) from its menus. Disney … Read more »

Chicago Takes a Step Back Into the Dark Ages

The progressive Chicago foie gras ban, sponsored by Alderman Joe Moore and originally passed in 2006 by a vote of 48-1, has been repealed today due to shameless manipulation by restaurant industry lobbyists to bring the diseased, rotting organs of abused ducks and geese back to Chicago’s restaurants.In the course of our work to keep … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Here’s what Jeff says about this week’s masterpiece: “The strip is based on the sad measures that officials have to take in order to protect rhinos from poachers. And a little depravity thrown in for good measure.” He also let me know that, in honor of Earth Week, he sprayed this strip with 50 percent … Read more »

Prince Charles Bans Foie Gras Commons The Daily Mail just reported that Prince Charles has banned foie gras from royal menus and “instructed chefs at all of his royal residences to stop serving the dish.” The announcement came after an activist in Bristol wrote to the prince about the cruelty involved in producing the stuff when she noticed that … Read more »

So, like, Happy Spay Day!

That’s right—today is Spay Day, people. It’s like Christmas for kittens. Passover for puppies. Um, Bastille Day for bunnies? Apparently, we don’t get a day off for Spay Day here at PETA (I asked), but we are encouraged to take a few moments to reflect on the staggering number of unwanted animals that can result … Read more »

Target Pulls Foie Gras!

A little while back, longtime PETA member and superstar intern Mark Wiesenfeld discovered that Target was selling foie gras online, along with a book about the barbaric product written by one of the owners of Hudson Valley Foie Gras—the folks responsible for many of the nightmarish scenes caught on tape in this investigation. As soon … Read more »

York City Council Condemns Foie Gras

3dimages/Creative Commons As of last week, the city of York became the first city in the UK to pass a motion condemning the sale of foie gras on the grounds of cruelty to animals. The City Council, led by Councilor Paul Blanchard, will be writing to hotels and restaurants throughout the city to inform them … Read more »

Harvey Nichols Ends Foie Gras Sales

I’m excited to let everyone know that following negotiations with PETA Europe representatives, UK-based luxury department store Harvey Nichols has ended foie gras sales at all of its stores. For you non-British readers out there, Harvey Nichols is a super posh chain of stores, kind of like Barney’s or Bergdorf Goodman in the US, so … Read more »

The World’s First Force-Feeding Demo

I think I’ve talked before about how amazing PETA Germany is at coming up with stuff that’s totally out of left field. They’re literalists, when it comes to demonstrations, and the results are often indescribably compelling. Faced with the problem of how to convey to people just how gruesome the force-feeding of ducks for foie … Read more »

Scott Niedermayer, Duck Defender

Allposters/Creative Commons Turns out that Scott Niedermayer, the captain and star defenceman for NHL Stanley Cup champions The Anaheim Ducks, is a duck defender in more ways than one. He just dashed off a letter to all 50 members of the Chicago City Council, asking them to uphold a ban on foie gras that is … Read more »

Bea Arthur Fights Foie Gras

I just love Bea Arthur. She has been speaking up for animals for years, most recently narrating this moving KFC video and helping with our Petsmart campaign. Now she is turning up the heat on Beverly Hills restaurant Matsuhisa—where she has been a loyal customer since it opened in 1987—for serving cruel foie gras. Check … Read more »

Bad News for Foie Gras Lovers…

… apart from the fact that most of them are reprehensible hedonists who care more about living the high life than living a good life—though they probably knew that already. Turns out that foie gras is a carrier for a rare but exceptionally nasty little disease called amyloidosis, which is akin to Mad Cow disease—another … Read more »

All We Are Saying Is Give Geese a Chance

Check out this amazing song and video made by Bryan Harrell in support of the Chicago foie gras ban. I particularly love the shot of signs that are popping up all over town because Mayor Daley is pushing to bring the Olympics to the city . . .

Save Chicago’s Ban on Foie Gras

If you live in Chicago, this is especially important for you, because Mayor Richard Daley and Alderman Ed Burke are working hard to repeal one of the most important animal protection laws ever passed, the Chicago foie gras ban. Meat-industry lobbyists are putting enormous pressure on Chicago’s aldermen to repeal the law, and the aldermen … Read more »

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