PETA’s Halloween party!

On second thoughts, I’d probably get into a lot of trouble for posting the pics from our actual Halloween party. But here are some from yesterday’s demonstration against KFC. We pulled out all the stops for this one and brought along … a skeleton to scare KFC into making some animal welfare improvements …a pumpkin … Read more »

Halloween Adventure!

I’ve never personally had a Halloween adventure, but from all accounts, they’re a barrel of laughs. Check out this delightful e-card featuring the world-famous “Not a Nugget” chick, and have a great Halloween! P.S. We’re doing a demonstration tonight at our local KFC, where we’re dressing up as skeletons and zombies and holding signs that … Read more »

Kentucky Fried Colonel

In the course of negotiations with a company like KFC—which refuses to make even minimal improvements in the lives of the billions of chickens it uses for profit—there is a time for subtlety and there’s a time for burning their corporate logo in effigy. This past week turned out to be of the latter sort. … Read more »

This Just In …

Somebody liberated the stereo from my car last week, which meant spending half my Saturday trying to get through to someone at my insurance company. To help forestall any suicidal impulses created by the smooth jazz that State Farm has selected for its hold music, I spent some time coming up with “Onion” style headlines … Read more »

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