Kansas State Bans Chicken Toss

Do you really need a letter from PETA and an official ban from your school administration to figure out what’s wrong with throwing live chickens onto a basketball court during a game? In the case of the moronic Kansas State fans who did exactly that during a game against rivals KU, the answer, of course, … Read more »

George W. Bush on PETA

This is an old video we made a while back to talk about why PETA has occasionally resorted to some more colorful tactics like naked protests to get our point across. It must have been put together in the early days of Internet video, when people had the attention span to get all the way … Read more »

Burberry Has a New Enemy

Her name is Casey Redd, and she just sent in the latest brilliant addition to our Burberry campaign materials. PETA’s Art Department does a fantastic job, but this may very well be my favorite anti-fur ad ever. Here’s 10-year-old Casey with the ad she made:

Mates of State Get Nekkid

I’ve been at PETA long enough to know that there are a whole lot of different ways to make a naked ad, and I’m always impressed with the way our Art Department manages to capture the particular style of the celebrity who’s posing for the ad without losing sight of the message. Over the years, … Read more »

Alicia Mayer in a Lettuce Bikini

More than 31 major media outlets covered PETA Asia Pacific’s pro-vegetarianism photo shoot with Filipina supermodel Alicia Mayer yesterday, and looking at the stunning pictures, I can see why. In case you’re wondering, that’s PETA Asia Pacific’s very own Jason Baker on the right, with the water bottle. I actually haven’t spoken to Jason since … Read more »

WTF, Monks?

The high school I went to was a small Catholic school in DC called St. Anselm’s Abbey School, which was run by Benedictine monks. Although it was pretty stressful academically—and kind of traumatizing that there were no girls there—the experience was one of the best of my life, in no small part because of the … Read more »


The bird flu post the other day reminded me of a hilarious old picture from The Onion. Unfortunately, I just didn’t get around to writing about it in the blog at the time, but as I like to say about me marrying Natalie Portman and you going vegetarian … better late than never. With all … Read more »

One Small Step for a Pig…

Today has been kind of massive as far as animals are concerned. In addition to winning the POM Campaign, we just got news that Smithfield Foods (the largest pork processor in the world) will begin phasing out the use of gestation crates in all of its farms. Gestation crates are among the most hideous torture … Read more »

Pamela Goes Postal on KFC

The lovely Pamela Anderson has a thing or two to say about a new postal stamp under consideration by the US Postal Service that would feature famed chicken torturer Colonel Harland Sanders. After a little detective work, it becomes pretty clear that the evil masterminds behind the projected stamp are none other than KFC themselves, … Read more »

The Naked Truth!

KFC employees who are used to seeing PETA’s crippled chicken hobbling across the street or watching Colonel Sanders burned in effigy in front of their restaurants are in for a pleasant surprise: The KFC Campaign is finally going naked, with our brand-new “Naked Truth” demonstrations. The bad news for the company is, unfortunately, that the … Read more »

In Memoriam: Virgil Butler

Virgil Butler, the former slaughterhouse worker from Arkansas who dedicated his life to educating others about the horrors of factory farming, died last night in his sleep at the age of 41. Virgil spent 9 years working in Tyson slaughterhouses, killing as many as 80,000 birds a shift in extremely dangerous working conditions and for … Read more »

Pink Does It Again

Seriously, she never ceases to amaze. Last week, she chatted with British talk show host Paul O’Grady about her desire to rescue pigs. Here’s hoping she succeeds. In Touch Weekly picked up the story:  

PETA Germany Burns The Colonel in Dusseldorf

Whatever PETA does in the U.S., our counterparts in Germany always feel like they have to do it better. A month or so ago, we were patting ourselves on the backs after a protest where we burned Colonel Sanders in effigy was picked up by national media. Well, in Dusseldorf today, PETA Deutschland—who apparently felt … Read more »

Two Turkeys ‘Pardoned,’ 49,999,998 to Go

Here’s something. Today, George W. Bush “pardoned” a pair of turkeys, for whatever misdeeds they’ve been capable of packed into a filthy, windowless shed throughout their painful little lives. Two birds (out of the approximately 50 million turkeys who will have been killed for Thanksgiving this year) would at least be a start, if it … Read more »

Huge news from my two (current) favorite states

Arizona resident Alice Cooper I’m never entirely sure whether one should say “a historic day” or “an historic day,” but either way, yesterday was effin’ historic, thanks in large part to the good people of Arizona, who in the past have brought us Alice Cooper, the 1 and 7 Arizona Cardinals, and cactuses (that’s all … Read more »

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