Shocking New Kosher Slaughterhouse Investigation

Three years ago, we went inside AgriProcessors slaughterhouse—the world’s largest Kosher slaughterhouse—and uncovered close to 300 instances of inhumane slaughter. Workers at that slaughterhouse were ripping the tracheas out of fully conscious cows and watching them writhe in pools of their own blood. As usual when we uncover this kind of abuse, the company hemmed … Read more »

Gummi Bear Loves KFC

Have you heard of Jason “Gummi Bear” Davis? Don’t worry if you haven’t, he’s just another in the long line of disposable tabloid fodder LA rich kids. Usually Gummi’s only real claims to fame are having a slightly less un-famous brother and not getting into clubs, which while funny of course, wouldn’t land him on … Read more »

Human Battery Cage

Thanks to James over at The Daily Veg for sending in these pics. For more information about what hens have to go through so that people can have eggs for breakfast, click here.

KFC Protest in Hong Kong

Check out this KFC protest organized by PETA Asia-Pacific in Hong Kong yesterday. This is truly a global campaign, with demonstrations happening in about 100 countries so far. KFC needs to wake up and realize that people all over the world are against grotesque cruelty to animals, and the sooner it makes the simple animal … Read more »

Push Michael Kors To Go Fur Free

Designer and Project Runway star Michael Kors recently pacified representatives from the Humane Society of the US by agreeing to stop using raccoon dog fur in his clothing lines. Unfortunately, Kors is turning a blind eye to the suffering of the countless other animals he still uses for their fur. It won’t result in fewer … Read more »

Gordon Ramsay’s Latest Stunt Is a Pile of Crap

For those of you who haven’t heard of him, Gordon Ramsay runs a restaurant and hosts a TV show in England, where celebrity chefs are worshipped as a form of minor deity. Despite having only 5 TV channels for the entire country, the Brits have more cooking shows even than they have antiques shows, and … Read more »

Make Your Own KFC Sign!

Finally. This project has been in the works for longer than I care to admit, and it’s incredibly exciting for me to see the beautiful, beautiful final product. A lot of people have been working really hard on this, so I did want to particularly thank my friend Drew, who generously donated his time and … Read more »

KFC Exec David Novak Gets an Earful

Thanks to a few compassionate Kentucky residents, including the insuppressible Lindsay Rajt, who works on our KFC Campaign out of Louisville, David Novak, the CEO of KFC’s parent company, got more than he bargained for out of an evening at a local restaurant on Friday night. Lindsay and company were in the midst of a … Read more »

One More for the Pigs!

You may remember Smithfield Foods’ big January announcement that it is phasing out the use of gestation crates, followed shortly by Maple Leaf Foods’ decision to follow suit, and Burger King’s recent adoption of a new animal welfare plan that includes, among other things, reducing the amount of pig meat it purchases from suppliers that … Read more »

Houston Chronicle!

I’m sure most everyone is already aware of Burger King’s recent animal welfare improvements, but I still wanted to share this little tidbit with you. The BK story was covered all over the media, but the Houston Chronicle took it a step further and published this amazing editorial on corporate responsibility and animal welfare. It’s … Read more »

Burger King Blazes a Trail

Burger King has announced a series of animal welfare improvements that put it right at the forefront of the fast-food industry in terms of holding its suppliers accountable for the way they treat their animals. As of today, the company will be requiring 2 percent of its eggs to come from hens who are not … Read more »

Colonel Sanders Fricassee in Memphis

My friend Lindsay, who’s on tour at the moment exposing some of the sordid truths about KFC, just sent me some pics of a little street theater she did in Memphis to turn the tables on Colonel Sanders. Lindsay is actually extremely good at just explaining the issue to people when the subject of KFC … Read more », Colorado

Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Really rolls off the tongue. I think it has something to do with alliteration. Anyway, apparently Mayor Sean Ford, who rules over the Denver suburb of Commerce City with a firm but benevolent hand, has pooh-poohed his citizens’ attempt to expand the symbolic reach of their eager … Read more »

Crashing the Yum Brands Beach Party

My buddy Ryan, who is currently on tour with Taste of Chaos for those hard-partying scene-hounds at peta2, was busy getting himself a suntan in Florida on Friday between stops on the tour (seriously, I need Ryan’s job), when who should be frolicking on the beach but representatives of KFC’s parent company, Yum Brands. Turns … Read more »

Conspiracy Theory!

If you’ve never been implicated in a preposterous conspiracy theory, I can highly recommend the experience. It’s a roller-coaster ride of emotions from shocked to flattered to downright amused. This is especially true when the person responsible for the conspiracy theory is a high-ranking government official, as we discovered last week when we were tipped … Read more »

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