Vegan Police Officer

CrimeShareTV/Creative Commons Remember the story about the vegan firefighters in Austin, TX? Well, now there’s a police officer giving them a run for their money, literally. In a bid to whip his fellow officers into shape, Sergeant Scott Cary started a department running team and went vegan. It’s a pretty cool story, and you can … Read more »

Vick to Face State Charges

Virginia Commonwealth Attorney Gerald Poindexter told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that “yes, indeed, we will prosecute” Vick and others on possible animal cruelty and dogfighting charges. This is, of course, good news—and something that we’ve been waiting to hear since so far Vick has only been facing federal charges.Poindexter went on to say, “The execution of … Read more »

If You Wouldn’t Eat Your Dog …

Sometimes it’s kind of hard for people to make the connection between their pets and the animals they eat, so here are some masks our Production department made to help with that. What do you think?

Tom Regan: The Animal Kingdom Bill of Rights

In case you haven’t heard of him, Tom Regan is a philosophy professor at NC State who has been one of the most important and compelling advocates for animal rights in the academic world since early on in the movement. His clarity of expression and his passion for the subject make his thinking accessible to … Read more »

Novisky Prospekt

My boss, Tracy, sent me this great photo her brother Brad took last week while he was touring Russia with the Rolling Stones (yeah, I know, some people just end up with really fun jobs). Here’s what Brad said about the image: “This photo was taken on a back street around the “Novisky Prospekt” neighborhood … Read more »

PETA to Hasselbeck: Cluck You

The View has been in the news a lot lately, with the addition of Whoopi Goldberg to the show. But yesterday, the show was in the news for a different reason. One of the hosts, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, revealed what she thought was the “funny” news that she has decapitated a chicken. She even demonstrated with … Read more »

“Paris” and “Britney” Protest Dog Breeders

Yesterday in Los Angeles, Paris and Britney look-a-likes took to the streets to lead a hilarious protest against pet stores and breeders at the site of our new ABC (Animal Birth Control) billboard. Obviously, this protest was meant to be lighthearted and fun, but the issue is deadly serious for the animals involved. For every … Read more »


Sooooooo, a lot of blogs have been talking about this weird new concept of “Vegansexuals”. Some psychologist in New Zealand coined the word after conducting a study which found that some vegans just don’t really like to do it with meat-eaters. A high percentage of respondents evidently reported that meat-eaters smell funky. Tucker Carlson reported … Read more »

Oscar Mayer Jingle Writer Dies

Jerry Ringlien, who created the disturbing “My bologna has a first name” campaign for Oscar Mayer in the ‘70s, died yesterday of a heart attack in North Carolina. As someone who works in a Marketing Department, I certainly have a lot of respect for people who can craft the kind of iconic ad campaign that … Read more »

Benjamin Zephaniah Opens Liberation Exhibit

Today in London, acclaimed novelist, playwright, actor and social justice leader Benjamin Zephaniah helped PETA Europe launch its new “Animal Liberation Project,” which points out some pretty shocking parallels between injustices of the past and the treatment of animals today. The exhibit forces people to think about whether or not it is appropriate to compare … Read more »

New Website!

We’ve been working on a new-and-improved for quite awhile. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you might want to have a look. It’s beautiful. Like, Grand Canyon beautiful. The Great Redwood Forest. Frickin’ Niagara Falls. Seriously, have a look. Don’t be a stranger!

Liz Claiborne Cosies Up to PETA

Not too many years ago, the only way PETA VP Dan Mathews could get a designer’s attention was by storming their office and painting slogans on the wall, or disrupting a runway show or two in his underwear (hey, I’m pulling this stuff straight from his memoirs). But now Dan seems to have a foot … Read more »

Newsweek Cover Story

GorillaHaven/Creative Commons Sadly, it’s not often that animal issues of any sort get front page coverage in a national news magazine. But, this week it happened. In case you haven’t seen it, I wanted to point out Newsweek’s superb coverage of the mass slaughter of gorillas in the Congo. For years, the largest threat to … Read more »

Second Life Slogan Contest Winners

A lot of people have been writing in to ask who won the Second Life anti-fur slogan contest I was talking up a few weeks ago. Well, the virtual ballots have been cast, and the winners have been announced. Here are the winning slogans, and the awesome Stella McCartney display stand that will memorialize their … Read more »

PETA Lighthouse?

Freshpage/Creative Commons There are a few old lighthouses on the East Coast being offered up free of charge to a nonprofit or other qualified entity under the Lighthouse Preservation Act of 2000. So—of course—we’re applying for them. What international animal protection organization doesn’t need a lighthouse or two, right? The first of the lighthouses we … Read more »

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