Cooking With Liz!

I’m back! I hope reading Amy’s posts wasn’t too much of a trial in my absence. If, for some reason, you find yourself missing her unique stylistic flair now that I’m back, you can still get a daily dose of Ms. Cook on PETA’s Veg Cooking blog. Fair warning, though: All of the posts are … Read more »


If you were following the Super Bowl ads closely this year, you would have noticed an advocacy ad for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which depicted a drug dealer lamenting his recent lack of customers, because “kids are just getting high out of their medicine cabinets nowadays.” Which, well, no problem … Read more »

Deflocked, by Jeff Corriveau

Deflocked, baby. Deflocked. Click for a larger version To check out the archives of past strips, click here.

Lettuce Ladies Crash Ben Franklin’s Birthday

But everybody had a good time in the end. Ben Franklin himself—who once suggested that the turkey should be America’s national bird instead of the bald eagle—tried some of the delicious faux turkey sandwiches distributed by PETA’s lettuce ladies at his birthday bash in Philadelphia, and commented that he was the person who first brought … Read more »

Purdue University Kills Dogs

After receiving a frantic e-mail that was being circulated by a Purdue student who was desperate to find a home for one of the dogs used in her class, we dug up some extremely disturbing information about Purdue University’s Veterinary Technology Program. As part of this program, catheters are inserted into perfectly healthy dogs, who … Read more »

Tyson Caught Again … and Again

In 2005, PETA released footage from an undercover investigation into a slaughterhouse run by KFC Supplier Tyson Foods, which showed live chickens’ heads being ripped off, among other acts of unbelievable cruelty. Two new PETA investigations of the company, which have just been released today, reveal that Tyson has done nothing to prevent the torture … Read more »

KFC Sues Indie Moviemakers

According to the movie blog Horror Yearbook, a small group of independent moviemakers are getting strongarmed by KFC into abandoning their project. Classy stuff, KFC. Really classy. Check it out here. I guess it’ll probably never get made now, but I think the movie looks effing rad.

Sex Dolls Agree: KFC Blows

File this one under “hilarious.” PETA Asia-Pacific, which may or may not be comprised of drunken frat guys, had a clever demonstration planned in which inflatable sex dolls would assert the fact that “KFC Blows”. Unfortunately the dolls were confiscated by customs officials in the Philippines, who may or may not be lonely men. PETA … Read more »

Internet Soup!

That’s right, it’s time for another arbitrary assortment of at least tangentially animal-related links that I’m too lazy to write a full post about. Actually, that doesn’t sound very appealing at all. Ladies and gentlemen, a very warm welcome to this week’s Internet Soup—a wild and wacky collection of the latest animal rights news, videos, … Read more »

Bryan Adams Takes On Most KFCs in Canada

Canadian Rocker Bryan Adams, a vegan and a friend of PETA who has donated his talent as a photographer to help us create our ads, took it upon himself this week to let John Bitove, the CEO of most KFCs in Canada, know exactly what he thinks about KFC suppliers’ treatment of chickens. Adams said, … Read more »

Bill Maher Talks Turkey

Hey, I had to use that subject line at some point. Cut me some slack here. The reference is to a fantastic piece by Bill Maher that appeared in yesterday’s Huffington Post, asking George Bush to pardon all the turkeys. Here’s an excerpt: “I ask you to do what I’m going to do and pardon … Read more »

Thanksgiving vs. Christmas

Despite some of the morbid rituals that it’s often associated with, Thanksgiving has long been my very favorite holiday, because (unlike its overrated rival, Christmas) you don’t have to buy anybody presents for it. There are also not one, but two football games on Thanksgiving, which gives the day another powerful edge over the more … Read more »

President to ‘Pardon’ Innocent Birds; Sentence Them to Death

Citypages/Creative Commons As we normally do at this time of year, we sent a letter to the President this morning asking him to take steps to ensure that the “pardoned” birds receive the care they will need to live out the year. You can read that letter here, and for more information about the conditions … Read more »

Kentucky Fried Cruelty HQ

Earlier this year, we took our KFC Campaign up a notch by sending our fearless Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaigner, Lindsay Rajt, deep into the heart of darkness—Louisville, Kentucky, itself—to help make sure that employees at KFC’s headquarters had a constant, chilling reminder of the fact that we are not going to go away until they … Read more »

Rob Zombie’s Thanksgiving Message

umusic/Creative Commons I mentioned a little while back that everybody’s favorite horror-movie director, Rob Zombie, is an ethical vegetarian. He’s also a hell of a good sport, since he took some time this month to sit down and record our Holiday Hotline—a compassionate alternative to the infamous Butterball Turkey Talk Line, which offers fans of … Read more »

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